Originally posted by Jules:
**I really doubt you checked about 2 days ago since northernswamp has been down for about a month and Jager says it wont be up again until he's finished moving house:p The evula.org site has a build up but I've stopped updating it for the moment. I have my own domain and webspace now and when I've finished building the main site I will be hosting el3 there.
I have a real life guys and a 50 hour a week job, and thats only my main job... A few of my work mates and I are starting up a business of our own setting up networks for people and a bit of graphical design. Im afraid that I cant devote every minute of my days to putting this stuff online.
I have uploaded the pref files to this location though so you can get it running. When the file has been uncompressed, open up the "prefs" folder and put the whole "Strata Preferences" folder into your OS 9 Preferences folder. When you run Strata it will say the program is registered to me, but you will be able to get it running 
Now I'm confused. The site I was at had el3 at the top. It was mostly white and it had a wierd, but cool, silvery picture behind the el3. Isn't that your's? I even used the feedback thing to send a message that mentioned the lack of anything usefull, did you ever get that?
One last thing, could by any chance put Strata itself up with the prefrence files? I never got it and it is exactly what I need.
Cmon people, the (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number;=20&SUBMIT;=Go")Chronicles(/url) are worth looking at.