For the sake of sharing information, and hopefully, collectively making the correct adjustments to the Override port, I would like to present my misn resource related notes. Maybe I'd be better off sending them to soviet mikee directly, but I hope he'll take the time to check in here. Heck, with any luck, he's already found and addressed most of these issues for his update.
Mission Resource Errors:
CompGovt - This error is the use of index numbers where Nova wants RID's. Fairly self explanatory what the fix for this is. Effects misns: 128-135, 149-150, 154-162, 169-177, 181-182, 184-199, 202-224, 226-242, 244-254, 259-260, 267, 278, 280-285, 290-318, 320-322, 324-329, 331-349, 351-383, 639.
Incorrect Negators - These errors are problems in the way Override negators were translated for Nova.
misn 182: !b1001 in Availability should be !b1
misn 325: !b1002 in Availability should be !b2
misn 253: !b1151 in On Success should be !b151
misn 308: !b1173 in On Success should be !b173
misn 639: !b1511 in On Success should be !b511
Outfits Granted Via Missions - This is a somewhat complex problem, and effects multiple fields. In some cases, it appears to be a simple oversight, while in others... you'll see.
misn 176: Should have g142 On Accept (Needle Jammer).
misn 176: Pay Val change from -30142 to 0. (This is how the item was granted in Override, it should not give any clean legal record rewards).
misn 365: Should have g146 On Success (Plasma Siphon).
misn 365: Pay Val change from -20146 to 0. (See above).
Now, here's the complicated part. The 0x0020 flag in Override was used to remove outfits granted on accepting a mission if the player failed or aborted said mission. Nova changed this, it is now the 'fail if scanned flag'. So...
misn 176: Should have d142 On Failure and On Abort
misn 183: Should have d145 On Failure and On Abort
misn 243: Should have d147 On failure and On Abort
misn 319: Should have d197 On failure and On Abort
(The 0x0020 flag should also be unchecked for all of the above missions as well).
This is a nice segue into Fail If Scanned missions. Differences in implementation: Override had a seperate flag (FailIfScanned) to denote this. ScanGovt field contained the RID of the government which considered this cargo illegal. Also, all governments other than the noted govt's enemy would consider this cargo illegal! This is much more difficult to implement with the Nova engine.
Missions in the port were (correctly) given the 0x0020 flag, but the scan mask and smuggling penalties are not set up. (Override did not have a ScanFine field, just a SmugPenalty field. I'm not sure if Port Authority handled this correctly). This problem effects misn: 166, 268-270, 273-277, 279, 326 (Not sure about that last one).
Critical Missions Flag - Override used flag 0x1000 to denote a critical mission, that is, it was offered first in bars. This flag is unused in Nova, since the engine now has a Display Weight field. So, the following missions should be given a display weight, in order to replicate the original scenario: 149, 160-162, 167, 172-174, 176-207, 221-222, 232-254, 262-266, 271, 278, 285-294, 296, 301-302, 306-308, 313-329, 331-343, 348-370, 376-383.
Whew, that's about all I have for the misn resource. Please feel free to add to or dispute any of this. I'd love to have others corroborate my findings.
(This message has been edited by slouch (edited 03-04-2004).)