Work on EVONE has resumed!
The RLEBuilder, EVONE's next fully graphical editor, is now sufficiently far along in the development process to show it off. The editor already has considerable functionality including live previews of all frames and animation, preview display on a color of your choice, the ability to scale the frames to any dimension, and the ability to independantly display the image and mask data for any frame.
Here are three screenshots of the editor, the first being the most interesting. (The other two show the two remaining panes of the tab control.)
Features Yet To Be Implemented
- Saving
- Bit depth changing, including a dithering algorithm.
- Frame/Mask import/export from/to a number of of different file formats.
- Automatic mask generation. (Knockout a color)
- Ability to insert/add/delete frames.
- Copy/Paste support.
Please let me know of any feature requests you have. The next editor will be the spob editor. As usual, I will not and can not predict when any of this will be complete.
(url="http://"")Arios SoftWare(/url)
(url="http://"")EVONE 1.0pb2 - the plugin editor for EV/EVO/EVN(/url)
(This message has been edited by AriosSw (edited 01-08-2004).)