Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Multiple Weapons Drawing different ammounts from a shared ammo?

      How do i have two weapons use the same ammunition, but one weapon uses more ammo up than the other when fired?
      eg i have 200 ammo, and when "GUN A" is fired, it uses up 1 of the ammo. When "GUN B" is fired it uses up 10 of the ammo count.

      Can this be done, if so, any ideas how?

      Im assuming i have to have to play about with submutions to get it to work?

      Thanks in advance,


    • It's actually pretty easy, Pod, and no, you don't need submunitions.

      OK. Gun A. It gets 10 shots per ammo unit. Set its AmmoType to be the resource ID of Gun A. Set it's burst count to be 10, and click the flag "uses ammo at end of burst".

      Gun B. Gets 1 shot per ammo unit. Set it's ammoType to be the same as gun A. Ignore it's burst count. Viola, it will work.

      Be sure that the ammo outfit grants ammo to Gun A.

      SS uses this for many of the railguns, so it has been tested and confirmed.

      Sephil Saga Homepage: (url="http://"")

    • but wont a burst provide a Chaingun style spread of bullets? I'm after a single projectile. I'll have to test what you've said later though, hopefully it will work

      Thanks again


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Pod:
      **but wont a burst provide a Chaingun style spread of bullets? I'm after a single projectile. I'll have to test what you've said later though, hopefully it will work

      Thanks again**

      What do you mean, "you're after a single projectile"? Do you mean that you just want 10x damage? That's easy. Just give them two seperate damages. Gun A = ShieldDamage: 1 and/or ArmorDamage: 1, Gun B = SD: 10 and/or AD: 10.

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    • No, he means when one fires, ten are subtracted from the ammo.

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    • UT is my personel translator 🙂 Convert form the gibberish of Podspeak into english.


    • Hehe.

      So basically, what you want is:
      Gun A = draws 1 ammo, deals X damage
      Gun B = draws 10 ammo, does X damage

      To do this is difficult, if even possible. I'd suggest submunitions, but if I recall correctly from SFA, submunitions don't count as ammo. All I can suggest is to have two seperate outfits; one grants ten ammo of that weapon, the other grants one.

      The programmer's code of entomology: there's always another bug.
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    • No, it's not at all difficult. Just follow what I said. It won't necessarily produce chaingun-like bursts. I forgot to go over this. Make sure your normal Reload value, and your Burst Reload value are the SAME. Your normal reload value controls how often the shots are fired, the burst reload controls the delay at the end of the burst. If it's the same as the normal reload value, it's seemless.

      The problem with this setup is that the ammo draw is reversed. Gun B will get one shot/ammo unit, while gun A will get 10 shots per ammo unit, instead of 1-1, and 10-1. But it does work, and gives exactly the effect you are looking for.

      Sephil Saga Homepage: (url="http://"")

    • You cannot make Gun B draw 10 ammo per shot, but by following masamune's instructions you can make Gun A draw 1/10th of an ammo per shot (so you could leave gun B drawing 1 ammo per shot).
      Remember to set the burst reload to zero if you dont want there to be a slight pause every 10 shots.

      It is here. EVNEW Public Beta (url="http://"")

    • That just might be what I need to fix the submunition burst torp thingie in SFA. Thanks, Masamune -- now I've got some experimenting to do.

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    • You're welcome 🙂

      Sephil Saga Homepage: (url="http://"")

    • Why don't you just switch them, i.e. the burst reload in Gun B, and Gun A draw from Gun B's ammo? Wouldn't that work?

      Also, I don't really understand burst reloads. Does it just fire all the shots, then subtract the ammo or something? I am so confused...

      Reads Charlie's post again

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    • Quote

      Originally posted by orcaloverbri9:
      **Why don't you just switch them, i.e. the burst reload in Gun B, and Gun A draw from Gun B's ammo? Wouldn't that work?

      Also, I don't really understand burst reloads. Does it just fire all the shots, then subtract the ammo or something? I am so confused...

      Reads Charlie's post again


      The trick with bursts is that the whole burst is NOT fired when you hit the trigger. You only shoot for as long as the trigger is depressed. If you fire 5 rounds from a 10 shot burst, when you hit the trigger again, you can fire another 5 shots normally before you have to wait through another burst reload period. Think of it like clips in a machine gun. You go XXXXXXXXX....wait, replace clip....XXXXXXXXXXX, or you can do this: XXXXX....lets up on trigger....XXXXX.....wait, replace clip....XXXXXXXXXXX. Understand?

      The "use ammo at the end of burst" flag simply does what it says. It determines whether you use up ammo on every X, or if ammo counts as Clips, and is used only when you replace the clip. Going back to the original quesion, your BurstCount basically determines how many shots the weapon can get from a clip. So, if you've defined 1 unit of ammo as 1 clip, and one gun has a 1 BurstCount, it is basically firing an entire metaphorical clip with every shot.

      For a concrete example, in Sephil Saga, different railguns fire different numbers of pellets per shot using this system. I describe the basic ammo unit as a big pellet, that has scores in it, so it will shatter into smaller pellets when hit with a hammer or fed through an autoloader.

      Does that make it clear? I hope so.

      Sephil Saga Homepage: (url="http://"")

      (This message has been edited by Masamune (edited 12-26-2003).)

    • Hrm. That is how I've got my torps set up, and it still doesn't count the submunitions.


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    • Quote

      Originally posted by UncleTwitchy:
      **Hrm. That is how I've got my torps set up, and it still doesn't count the submunitions.



      Hmm. How are your submunitions related to burstcounts?
      If i knew how they were set up and what they were supposed to do, I might be able to give advice.

      It is here. EVNEW Public Beta (url="http://"")

    • Well, here's what they're supposed to do:

      Torp A:
      Desired effect: Two torps with a second or two between each shot, then waits for about 30 sec. for the next burst. Each shot takes one away from the ammo.

      Behavior: Two torps with a second or two between each shot, then waits for about 30 sec. for the next burst. Shot may or may not draw from ammo.

      My settings:

      Reload: 300
      Burst Count: 2
      Burst Reload: 30
      SubCount: 0
      SubTheta: 0
      SubLimit: 0

      Use ammo at end of burst: Not checked.

      Torp B:

      Desired effect: Single torp fires, then submunitions into four torps in a random spread which draw ammo from Torp A. Wait 30 sec. before able to fire another burst.

      Behavior: Single torp fires, and submunitions, then fires another single submunitioning torp, only one ammo is drawn.

      Reload: 100
      Burst Count: 1
      Burst Reload: 300
      SubCount: 4
      SubTheta: 30
      SubLimit: 1

      Use ammo at end of burst not checked

      Submunition settings:
      Reload: 40
      Burst Count: 4
      Burst Reload: 600
      Use ammo at end of burst not checked
      SubCount: 0
      SubTheta: 0
      SubLimit: 0

      Use ammo at end of burst not checked

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    • It's a pity there's no ncb evaluation when a weapon is fired. If there were, none of this would be a problem. Not that I'm complaining—no point in it. It'd be a new feature, and, well...

      UT: It sometimes draws ammo (the regular torp)? Interesting. I've never noticed this behavior. And why is the delay so long? It adds to the impossibility of the Kobyash—oh yeah...but it's still annoying. Another behavior I've noticed: the regular torp doesn't always fire one, then another a second after. In fact, it hardly ever does. And when it does, it waits about half a second and then fires the second.

      Of course, I can kinda see why they'd have such me, they seem like they're fairly advanced features. Then again, I could be wrong.

      The programmer's code of entomology: there's always another bug.
      Windows users: stop asking for plugins. (url="http://"")Make one yourself.(/url)
      (url="http://"")Sephil Saga Website(/url)

    • Just to clarify my situation i've drawn up a quick exmaple.

      Buck o' Plasma contains a set amount of plasma. All plasma firing guns take a certain amount of plasma from this pool.

      "Heavy Plasma Gun" X amount of damage, uses up 10 "units" of plasma. Slow projectiles and has the slowest reload of the group.
      "Medium Plasma gun" Y amount of damage, uses up 5 "units" of plasma. Medium speed projectiles, medium reload.
      "Light Plasma gun" Z amount of damage, uses up 1 "unit" of plasma. Fast projectiles and has the highest reload of the group.


    • Torp A, for one thing, should have the reload and burst reloads reversed, i think.

      You cannot make the weapon use ammo when it submunitions - it wouldnt make any sense - the ammo for the submunitions themselfes left your ship when you initially fired the shot!

      It is here. EVNEW Public Beta (url="http://"")

    • That's kind of what I was afraid of. Any thoughts on how to achieve it anyway?

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