Originally posted by Dimpfinator:
**Very nice. However, it is still in my opinion a very inneficient way of doing things, and I'm sure many others will agree with me. I would post some of my own graphics, redone from other games, only I don't have hosting. Someday I'll do something about that, but not right now, especially because I don't have many very nicely textured graphics, but quite a few sprites that look nice in game. Meh...
Yes, it is unrealistic, but keep in mind that any ship capable of carrying multiple other ships would have to be enormous, and the carried ship would end up being 8 pixels at most, considering that capital ships have a huge weapon capacity, a a lot of space devoted to those thousands of crew's needs, and a decent amount of cargo space. Unless you made one ship used for launching purposes only, where the ship had no crew and just enough space for a fighter bay, which it had. Actually, that would be pretty cool.
Of course, you could always go with fighters as they are now, and make an immense ship to carry 'em. I might have been dreaming (yes, I do dream things like this), but I think I remember seeing a mention in a chat transcript of there being an 800 pixel long ship in SS. Or maybe someone was joking. I don't remember well. But there might well be one—I'm fairly sure Charlie/Masamune is trying to get it as close as possible to real life proportions and such—Jupiter will be so f***ing enormous it probably won't even fit on a1024x768 screen. I don't want to think about the Sun.
Imagine playing with that 4 pixel long viper and that immense Auroran Carrier...Or multiply them by 8, get a 32x32 viper, and for the Carrier, get...Ugonda*! Of course, you'd also get -30 FPS... 
*Yes, Ugonda! It's so incredibly, indescribably massive I had to make up a word for it!
The programmer's code of entomology: there's always another bug.
Windows users: stop asking for plugins. (url="http://"http://www.aznt.com/EVN/EVNEW/")Make one yourself.(/url)