Actually, I have everything plugin-wise under control right now; I've gotten about 10 requests to help on the plugin, and the only thing I want help on is the storyline (which is pretty much complete)
I can make systems.
EVONE has a Galaxy editor that is pretty easy to use... I think I can manage the systems pretty well, but thanks for the offer!
It's a great boost to see a bunch of you guys want to help... I'm still open for suggestions, so pour them out!
Yes, we do want it monstrously big. Go for about 300.(or a map, or graph, or whatever is needed to work with.)
I will not have 300 islands, because that would require 600 spďns of said islands, and each island takes about 2 days to complete. (you need the coast and the surrounding ocean as one, and then the deadly portion on top of it)
If, however, you mean 300 systems, then okay, fine, just that a few in the middle will be uninhabited.
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