I have had it up to here with this plugin. I have a large number of crons that are silently setting mission bits, (this is for a routine maintainence system). The crons work flawlessly now. There also needs to be a mission to display a desc to tell the player that, say, thier main engines are starting to show signs of wear. However, I want this mission to only appear once (until they fix thier engines, and they start to wear again.)
It is an auto-aborting mission that unsets a missionbit in its OnAccept field, so it should appear again only if the appropriate bit is re-set (which occurs when the engines start to wear again. The mission briefing appears only once, even when it should appear again (engines repaired, and then wear again, resetting the availbit). However, when i go to main screen and reopen the pilot, the mission appears again. What the **** is going on?! Oh, and the mission, despite being an autoaborting mission, appears in the pilotlog sometimes.