Originally posted by liagor:
**Thank you for help, but I've tried this mode too and don't run. Allow me to explain what I'm searching to do. An example could be the Asteroid Miner. When I fire with mining lasers, the graphic engine use the extra set of the base image for animate the ship. I would make the same thing for a carrier ship, that open his hangars when I launch fighters.
I'm sorry, but I think that only a change of the graphic engine could solve the problem.
Thanks to all, al the same...
On the contrary. If ATMOS did it, you can too.
Start thinking a little more out of the box. If you're developing a plug-in (especially one using clever work-arounds), you have to. Just look at the shan, ship, and weap resources for the Asteroid Miner as well as the Bible. You'll come up with something.
The programmer's code of etemology: there's always another bug.