Since I'm fiddling around with a plugin that does exactly this, I think it's a marvelous idea.
I'd love to see what you come up with, Azratax.
I began my own effort as an exercise to teach myself about manipulating crons and invisible missions and things just took on a life of their own. Boy, did they ever, LOL.
Here's how I set things up:
The structure is modelled on the cheap carbon fiber cron sequence in Nova's main scenario and works very much like you describe in your post. When each "maintenance" cron expires, it sets a bit which assigns an "engine damage" outfit, begins the next maint. cron and triggers an auto-aborting mission. The mission texts inform the player that damage has occured and that the smoke billowing out of the engine compartment might be a Bad Thing™
Left unchecked, damage crons keep rolling along in 10% increments and by the time one's engine is down to 50% capacity the ship handles like an elephant with a hangover. Buying cheap ships might not be such a great idea after all. If you allow your ship to be disabled by an opponent then all sorts of gremlins might be set free. Engineer as repair system helps in the latter case.
While there are 5 different states of "engine damage", each with an accompanying "Engine repairs" outfit, the graphics are similar for all. The intention was to require a diagnostic procedure of some sort at a shipyard before you could gain access to the repair outfits. Couldn't make the diagnostic idea work cleanly at the time, but I'm sure it can be done.
Regular maintenance, specific repairs or the presence of an top quality Engineer on board resets the damage cron bits.
The entire process has been great fun and very instructive for a relative beginner like myself.
I've set up my engine maintenance stuff to work as part of a larger plug rather and hadn't planned on releasing it as a stand-alone product so if any of these ideas inspire you, use them amd make something fun.
Best of luck,
(edited for spelling)
(This message has been edited by epower (edited 09-23-2003).)