Instead of following the Sutherlands' directions to install NovaTools (paste its resources into ResEdit prefs file), I tried this:
- Delete ResEdit prefs
- Rename ResEdit to "ResEdit Plain"
- Duplicate ResEdit Plain & rename copy "ResEdit for Nova"
- Use ResEdit Plain to open both ResEdit for Nova (the app file -- not the prefs!) and the "NovaTools 1.0.0" file
- Copy everything in NovaTools 1.0.0 into the ResEdit for Nova app file.
The result is that I've now got 2 copies of ResEdit, one with all the NovaTools goodness and one that I can use (with templates) to do other things, such as edit EV and EV Override plugs. There's no bloated prefs file bulking up my System Folder when I do backups.
It all seems to work, so far, and it's very convenient....
Am I asking for a system crash or data corruption? Am I courting some other unnamable disaster? Why might the w00tware folks prefer their method? These are the questions. Thank you for pondering.
Om Noppo Noppo Om!