Originally posted by Axe:
I'm thinking of adding some simple recipes for the ranger character. One example: applesauce, which requires seven apples and heals ten points. Or the omelet sandwich: two rye bread, two quail eggs, and one cheese -- heals twenty points. Part of the reason behind these is that I get so tired of having all these very-low-point healing items in the inventory, and this would be a way to use them more efficiently.
Excellent idea!
I enjoy new skill addons that aren't cheats, and that make use of the otherwise unmanageable inventory. heh. I like that idea a lot. 
For the conjurer, I'm toying with the idea of "cantrips": a few magic points plus a food item creates a new food item that heals more points. One possible example: two magic points plus three grapes makes fortified grape juice (or maybe raisins?), which heals ten points. Or does this sound like it's getting too far away from the base ideas behind the conjurer?
Nope, sounds fine. Keep the magic points low and you'll be good to go. Heck, you might even make some higher rated ones as well. The nice thing about that is that you can spend a bit of magic now for some payoff down the road. It's kind of like insurance.
The swordsman is feeling a bit left out. Any suggestions?
Well, I have a master plan for the plug-ins I'm writing(1 complete, 2 in progres, another couple are just ideas at the moment). By the time the next two get released there should be a common theme hidden within for the swordsman. If everything comes to fruition as I would like to see it, the swordsman will be a very happy camper by the end.
But this is also a long ways out too. No bones about it.
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