Does any know where i can fnd some new ship images? i dont mean like shipyard pictures or targeting pictures, i mean new ship that flys around.
there just arn't anuff shipyards out, or people who make ships, and just don't submit them.
i know about dreamweave, but they only have 4 nova ships, and i know about Ewan's Lair, but that shipyard has not been updated since 2002.
i love flying new ships, but sadly there just is'nt as much of them like there was in Override. Its been so long since Nova came out, but not much progress has been made. Plz do not take offence anyone, its just that waiting is fine, but when waiting turns into months, its just really tiring.
i need to eat, and new ships are my food(figuritivly speaking of course(fig. spelled wrong)).
:frown: please feed me. :frown:
I gave up trying to come up with my own sig.