Originally posted by Mazer Rackham:
**Re: Maya
How much is Maya? Where do you get it? What about LW? All I have to make ships in is Mechanisto 2.0 :redface: I use Bryce 3 for landscapes, but not for ships (the animation and getting rid of unwanted animation drives me crazy).
Get strata3D... it's really, really wierd for a bit, but it can do a lot of stuff mechanisto can't. I switched from mechanisto earlier this year, and I'm fairly happy with where I'm going with it. After two years of work with mechanisto it was basically maxed out on what I could do with it, and that pissed me off a bit... the change is worth it.
And if you don't like it you can switch back with no damage to your wallet...
But it will be really wierd at first.
"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-