Is there still a demand for these programs?
Show of Hands?
(url="http://"")NovaBurst Home(/url)
Is there still a demand for these programs?
Show of Hands?
(url="http://"")NovaBurst Home(/url)
raises hand
Here a slice, there a slice,
everywhere a slice slice.
What is it?
A life, ohhhh, that a new plug-in right?
"Borb II of V.S.S Hellfire."
Originally posted by Borb II:
**What is it?
NovaMap is a System/Spob editor that's pretty far along in development and NovaBurst is a complete editor but has a lot longer way to go.
Follow my sig and download it.
(url="http://"")NovaBurst Home(/url)
You Bet
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe."-Albert Einstein
-virtual raised hand-
"There are no bugs in my code, ... only undocumented features." - corollary #3
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If it's just a game, and life is all a game, then isn't the game real life?
it a okay ya know what i mean?
HOPEFULLY YOU DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Raises both hands with excitement
OK, when a Mod posts in all caps I am bound.
I'm rewriting the code from RB3 to RB5 starting from almost sctratch. (oh what fun). You prob won't see another release for awhile.
(url="http://"")NovaBurst Home(/url)
oops... got so excited I need a new pair of pants....
Seriously though, this is going to make modding SOOOOO much easier.
"I don't know what weapons World War Three will be fought with, but World War four will be fought with sticks and stones."
-- Albert Einstein
Hey ThorPrime, welcome back. It's been a while
Oh, and an enthusiastic raised hand. NovaBurst/Map is still my favorite Nova map editor.
Originally posted by ThorPrime:
OK, when a Mod posts in all caps I am bound.
Heh. Well, NovaMap kinda got my whole TC project going. Before, it was all just a bunch of random ideas and I had little hope I'd ever build all the systems.
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If it's just a game, and life is all a game, then isn't the game real life?
Originally posted by ThorPrime:
**Is there still a demand for these programs?
Show of Hands?
There absolutely still is a demand for programs like these. I should note however, that b.42 is not entirely stable. I've had multiple crashes, something about a 'NilExceptionClass" or something like that.
Otherwise, it looks really good..
"Life is not to fear... Life is to enjoy." -
And don't you listen to these nitwits. Nova's a great game and don't let anyone tell ya otherwise. Better or worse than EVO? Who gives an african monkey's nads?