Not sure if this should go here or on the EVO board.
I was looking through the Addons pages today, and I noticed a complete lack of any plugs advancing the Strand storylines (except for "secret-of-the-Council" type stuff). Why is this? There are plenty of plugs for the NPD missions, the Voinian and UE strings, even smaller strings like the Huron Independence one. Yet none for the Strands. Clearly, this ought to be rectified. How to go about this?
Obviously, MissionComputer is the answer. With that little jewel, even someone as stupid as I am could make a successful mission string.
However, victory in the Azdgari string is practically assured. A wing of Enhanced Azdaras could take down God Himself.
The Igadzra would need some kind of fighter before taking on the Azzies, though. Let's face it, the Plasma Siphon isn't really the greatest against the green guys.
As for the Zidigar, they'd need major shipyard overhauls - a Zidigar Crescent Warship and Arada at the least. Right now their Fighters are snacks for Azdaras and their Pocket Warships are light meals for Igazras.
What do you think? What other strings could do with plugs?
"As you are now, I once was.
As I am now, so shall you be.
So come, prepare to follow me." - Unknown Epitaph