Whoa... this must be a sign... I didn't think anyone would remember, much less care.
Well, the bad news is that this project (like most TC's, I guess) died a quiet and lonely death. The slightly better news is that it may be resurrected.
I used to post here as Curwen for some time, but left the boards and most related activities somewhere around September or October 2002, to choke down a particularly big and juicy sh*t sandwich life had decided to serve me. I slowly drifted back to the Ambrosia boards in the past couple of months (oh, the joys of addiction!).
I believe CeRD (and maybe Shade18) still visit the boards, but not often. Virgil has disappeared. There was a separate discussion forum for the Hyperion TC for a while, but it simply vanished one day. I haven't been in contact with anyone of the team since then, which probably proves we were enthusiastic enough, but not really up to all the hard work it would involve (not that I blame anyone, it's as much my fault as anyone else's after all).
While the project itself was basically braindead at this point, I kept toying with the idea and fleshing out the concept (making lists of planets/systems, drafting galaxy maps, sketching ships, thinking of various minor and major storylines etc.), and checking for the release of new tools like EVONE, MissionComputer and (hopefully soon) Cartographer.
One of the more positive things that came out of my recent troubles is that I decided to quit my job last month; I've got enough savings and private projects to keep me going for at least a year - and probably two - and have the free time I needed/wanted now.
In the past few weeks, I've been seriously considering reviving the Hyperion TC, even if it's just as a one-man pet project ( = would never get finished, but would be fun to work on and I might learn some new things, like decent 3D modeling and patience
). I've even drafted up a long explanation I intend to put on Dan Simmons' official web board, asking for permission (not fearing a lawsuit, just being polite), comments and useful information.
So, at this point I'm basically asking myself whether I will contact the old team to see if they're still interested, do a Frankenstein on the old project myself, or put it on my Eternal Wish List and pretty much forget about it.
I'm inclined toward the second. In other words, I'll may just go at it on my own and see how far I get; suggestions and contributions will be accepted but I will keep full control over the project this time (and accept full responsibility if it turns out to suck, of course).
Suggestions, offers of support etc. are welcome, but keep in mind that right now I'm not making any promises. I'll post my final decision here as soon as I've made up my mind (which should be before the end of this week...).
Do not adjust your mind - there is a fault in reality.