Originally posted by thedecline:
**whats this swarm attack business? is that A.I 5 or 6?
Just make a different version of the RAGE gunboat so your version is not the one that NOVA uses. Maybe it is just a simple conflict with something like that.
Don't fighters generally fly around in a disorganised jumble (I love the wording), they generally dock afterwards but don't they?
WHOA!!! Hold it right there! You are NEVER to use AI 5, and there is no 6. You can only use 1-4. 1 is Wimpy Trader (Run away! Run away!), 2 is Brave Trader (Eat railgun slugs, Viper!), 3 is Warship (Jumps into a system, and if there's no enemies, jumps out.), and 4 is Interceptor (Flies around a system, scanning incoming vessels -- the ones that give you a hard time during all those smuggling missions or when you just bought 8 illegal Ionic Particle Cannons.). 5 is Escort, is STRICTLY for engine use only, and is never to be used by a coder under ANY circumstances. Don't ask me what it does, but I believe it will make the ships escort the player. And 6 is nonexistant.
Back to the topic. Check your outfits. That should be your problem. Making a copy of the RAGE Gunboat won't do anything -- it'll just make more work for you editing all the files. And you don't need to set them to swarm -- they already are, along with standoff attacks. This means that the AI will choose between the two modes. RAGE Gunboats are very good at both modes of attack.
Good luck, and God bless,
-- spacecowboy
Suddenly, the little scoutship disappeared and then reappeared right behind the alien warfleet. The gravitic ship's captain hailed the armada. "You are going to be destroyed, but I will give you a choice as to how you want to spend eternity: big pieces, little pieces, or quarks?"
Dead silence.
"Quarks it is, then."