I havn't got any clue what the key carried option is, Does anyone know what it is? I'm asking this just out of curiosity
I havn't got any clue what the key carried option is, Does anyone know what it is? I'm asking this just out of curiosity
As far as I know it is used to differ ship graphics. For example say that the Auroran Carrier has the pictures of Pheonixes and firebirds along the deck when they are docked. With key carried you could make it that when they are launched the pictures of the fighters dissapear too! Alternitavely it could be used for missiles etc.
Hey! If I want cheesey poofs, I'll get cheesey poofs!
-Eric Cartman Law Enforcer
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Originally posted by Starbridge42:
**As far as I know it is used to differ ship graphics. For example say that the Auroran Carrier has the pictures of Pheonixes and firebirds along the deck when they are docked. With key carried you could make it that when they are launched the pictures of the fighters dissapear too! Alternitavely it could be used for missiles etc.
It could also be used to simulate the splitting of a certain ship from a certain popular sci-fi television show.
I think that you don't see many love stories in EV simply because the engine isn't quite geared towards that. What are you going to do, keep meeting your significant other in a bar (or, with Nova, the Outfitter, Shipyard, or Trade Center) and have questions like "Will you go out on a date with me?" | Yes/No | "Great, pick me up on <DST> in a month and we'll have dinner."?
Originally posted by Bomb:
It could also be used to simulate the splitting of a certain ship from a certain popular sci-fi television show.
Uh, what episode of X-Files did that happen in? I must have missed that one...
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Originally posted by Starbridge42:
**As far as I know it is used to differ ship graphics. For example say that the Auroran Carrier has the pictures of Pheonixes and firebirds along the deck when they are docked. With key carried you could make it that when they are launched the pictures of the fighters dissapear too! Alternitavely it could be used for missiles etc.
Sweet i am going to have to try that one
Actually, it can't be used for missiles, unless the missiles are carried ships- kind of a problem. And unfortunately, it only works once the ship is completely devoid of fighters- so the on-deck fighters can't be gradually depleted. But other than that, have fun.
Well... it can be used for gradual depletion... but it would be REALLY WEIRD. If you make the main ship turn into the "carried" ship when it "launches" one fighter, and had the "fighter" look like the original ship minus 1 fighter, and had THAT have a fighter which looks like it has one fighter less again... you get the idea. Only problem would be that the fighters would all be as slow as the carrier. You could just say the people who made the carrier put really good engines on it and it's fast... still weird. A feasable workaround, though. Unless, of course, the engine decides not to cooperate.
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Originally posted by Vaumnou:
**Well... it can be used for gradual depletion... but it would be REALLY WEIRD. If you make the main ship turn into the "carried" ship when it "launches" one fighter, and had the "fighter" look like the original ship minus 1 fighter, and had THAT have a fighter which looks like it has one fighter less again... you get the idea. Only problem would be that the fighters would all be as slow as the carrier. You could just say the people who made the carrier put really good engines on it and it's fast... still weird. A feasable workaround, though. Unless, of course, the engine decides not to cooperate.
Probably workable for the AI to use, but as per a recent topic, the fighter AI seems to have some issues with launching Key-carried when the fighter is launched by the player.
"Damn, everybody wants something up their ass today! Yeah, I'm cool like that." - forge
...Which I've yet to resolve, by the way.
Got the Galaxy class to separate properly, though, so that's something, anyway (that was actually very easy).
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