starts drooling Hmmm, that sounds pretty ... interesting.
I don't know whether you've ever watched "In The Mouth Of Madness"; it has that same Lovecraftian atmosphere and last-sane-guy-against-an-increasingly-insane-universe plot. It also reminds me a little bit of the Eye Of Orion plug-in for EV, though I hope this one will go much, much farther than that 
I'm currently toying around with a TC of my own which I may or may not continue (the original team fell apart, I don't feel like going at it with a bunch of new people right now, and it's a lot of work for one person - even though it would be fun to work on...).
If I decide to abandon it, I'd be more than willing to offer assistance with this project of yours. I'm pretty good at graphic design (it's my job), can write a bit (though english isn't my native language), have decided to learn Strata3D, and have some experience with EV and EVO plug-in making with ResEdit (but haven't yet done anything beyond small EVN hacks so far).
You probably already have all the texts you need, but this may come in handy: (url="http://"")Lovecraft Library(/url). Apparently his works are no longer copyrighted, so it's all available 
edit: And Russell, I do believe "Call Of Ktulu" was instrumental. But "The Thing That Should Not Be" was definitely based on the Cthulhu Mythos, and much better IMO. Though I must admit I haven't listened to Metallica in years.
(This message has been edited by boot (edited 03-17-2003).)