That list only included the stats that had been asked about in that topic. I'll go ahead and give a full listing of all the stats used in PoG here:
Life : If this goes down to zero, you're dead :).
Damage : Listed as "minimum - maximum (+bonus)". The minimum is the minimum damage from your weapon (plus 1, which is the minimum damage if you have no weapon), the maximum is the maximum weapon damage (plus 3, which is the maximum if you have no weapon), and the bonus is due to strength above 15 (see below) and possibly also certain magical weapons.
Armor : Reduces the damage you take when an attack connects. Note that undead and mind attacks are not reduced by armor - they are blocked by undead and mind protection respectively. The calculations involved with armor are fairly complex - read the Coldstone user manual if you really want the nitty-gritty, as I'm not entirely sure I understand them myself.
Strength : For each point above 15, add +1 to the damage you deal when hitting an enemy in hand-to-hand combat. Ranged weapons (in other words, bows) are not affected by strength.
Dexterity : Increases your chance of hitting in combat as well as your chance of not being hit in combat. Affects both hand-to-hand and ranged combat.
Vitality : For each point above 15, you will gain one extra point of life (or hit point, if you prefer) each time you gain a level. This doesn't apply to levels you've already earned, though, so vitality increases are extremely useful at low levels and become less so as you gain levels.
Speed : Your movement speed on the screen, in pixels per frame. Cannot be increased by potions, but there are several pieces of equipment that will change your speed.
Perception , or Marksmanship: Increases your chance of hitting in combat as well as your chance of not being hit. Only affects ranged attacks.
Luck : Increases your chances of getting goodies from slain enemies, rock piles, treasure chests, etc. Also, your luck equals your percent chance of making a critical hit in combat. (Damage from critical hits is not reduced by armor.)
Undead protection : Percentage reduction of the damage you take from hand-to-hand attacks from undead creatures. With the right set of equipment and the use of the Spells Expander plug-in, it's possible to actually get undead protection above 100%, in which case undead attacks will actually heal you slightly...
Mind protection : Percentage reduction of the damage you take from mind attacks. As far as I know, mindhunters are the only enemy that attacks this way.
In terms of what to increase at Kalixa's, here are my recommendations.
-If you're about 15th level or lower, buy all the vitality potions you can. You can expect to reach a level in the early 20s by the end of the game, so each vitality point above 15 that you gain now will give you an extra five or more hit points by the end of the game. This is extremely useful! If you're higher level, increasing your vitality is of less use.
-Otherwise, buy dexterity and luck potions. Higher dexterity will allow you to kill enemies faster and take less damage, and higher luck will help you to gather more treasure from the enemies you kill - which you can then use to buy more potions!
(Incidentally, KJK - are you aware that you can edit your posts if there's an error in them? You don't have to reply to yourself )
I don't know what I'm talking about.
Oh no, here comes another learning experience.
(This message has been edited by Glenn (edited 02-21-2003).)