Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Hopelessly lost

      I am interested in creating plug-ins however I have no programming history. I have downloaded ResEdit and Nova Tools and have set them up, but I still have no idea about how do to anything. All I need is a step by step way to make a simple plug in, anything would do. Thank you very much for your understanding. Any help is appreciated.


    • Start yourself off by downloading the Nova Bible and giving it a jolly good read, then look through the Nova Data files (be careful though not to change anything, or even use copies of them) to get a general understanding of how the different resources relate to each other and how they work. After that you can move on to editing and creating a simple resource, try making a couple of outfits and things like that.

      With the bible by your side editing plugs isn't all that difficult as long as you start of small until you get the hang of it.

      "I've got two words for you, learn to f*cking type!"
      -Mr Pink
      "Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you"
      -Stealers Wheel

    • It's fairly easy. Just install NovaTools as directed in the installation instructions that came with it. Then create a new file and press command-K to create a new resource (to find out which ones EVN uses, check the Nova Bible). Choose a resource such as outf or ship and open the editor. NovaTools is an excellent program with a fairly intuitive layout. Make something you can notice in Nova (not a cron or oops) and tinker. Once you have the hang of things, feel free to make more. Enjoy!

      "Was it love, or was it the idea of being in love?"-Pink Floyd
      Russell for President 2020!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by silverdragon174:
      **I am interested in creating plug-ins however I have no programming history. I have downloaded ResEdit and Nova Tools and have set them up, but I still have no idea about how do to anything. All I need is a step by step way to make a simple plug in, anything would do. Thank you very much for your understanding. Any help is appreciated.


      Try running a search using the forum's search feature. There are probably more than a hundred threads regarding learning how to start plug making. Beginners should always run searches to see if their questions have already been asked, because they usually have.


      "Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."