I haven't been around here in a while (Within a day here I got my karma lowered for the first time, heheh) and a quick search showed me the movies Stark has uploaded for PoG which I never got to see before.
I downloaded them to my computer and watched them seperately. (Kind of overhyped, aren't they?) I added them to my date folder like the readme said to and started playing. I got up to the point where I get to enter the Learning Tree for the first time. The movie began playing, but after about 2 seconds into it an error message popped up (I didn't bother reading it) and the game quit itself.
The worst of it is that it didn't save and I had been planning on saving right after I got into the Learning Tree. Ironic, huh?
Anyways, I only lost about half an hour of playing time since I last saved so it didn't bother me too much (Still annoying though) but I'm worried about the movie.
Not knowing where to post this message I decided to put it here on the boards.
I know the best solution for my question, which is how do I get it to work, would be to take the movies out, but I wanted to see if this question had come up before. (I wasn't sure what to search for, so I'm innocent on that count) I also thought it deserved a mention for possible a future update or something.
"I love deadlines, I love the 'whooshing' sound they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams.