In an e-mail from AVN:
"I just figure this is a good arrangement. The ocean kingdom separates
the tech from the "traditional" levels, and the levels have smooth
transitions, so it makes sense. ex. Lava, Woods, Dark Woods, Caves, Ice,
Tech, Ocean, Sand. All adjacent kingdoms are similar. (Yes, lava is
above ground. Ever played Nanosaur?) The ninth kingdom has to be up. I
don't know why, it's just most important it should be on top. Position
the lost mines wherever you want, I don't really care where they go, but
they are kind of "special" like the ninth kingdom is, that's why I put
them there."
Anyone like this?
I feel the mines should be down. Far down.
Measuring energy in kilowatt-hours is as stupid as measuring distance in knot-seconds.