Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • The Ninth Kingdom! Definetly! πŸ™‚

      Yes, that is the basic plot. And, at the end, instead of the normal "win screen", we should have Ferazel hold the Algernon at Queen Xichra and then she dies.

      What about the Gwendolyn? It feels left out and wants to become part of our game. :frown:

      The basic Summit Plummit (no signs or characters) is finished! Wait till you see how hard it is to get the Algernon peice!

      Oh, and there is no Algernon Peice in the Ninth Kingdom, right? Or is there? I think this is what should happen.

      1. Escape from prison.
      2. Return Home.
      3. Venture through 8 kingdoms, kill 8 bosses.
      4. Get the 8 Algernon peices.
      5. Enter ninth kingdom.
      6. Blacksmith will put them together for you if you get him a frame.
      7. Q: Guess where the frame is!
      8. A: Captn. Crowley's Mines! (which you get a key for from the blacksmith)
      9. Go through the mines.
      10. Algernon complete!
      11. Venture through ninth kingdom.
      12. Get lots of goodies.
      13. Battle Xichra!
      14. THE END (Or is it? πŸ™‚ )

      Good? Any disagreements? And who suggested not to use The Mines? We must use the mines! Hard levels are great! : ok, I'm finished sucking up to aschaaf : πŸ™‚

      Your pet poodle is flying loop-de-loops over my microchips! The poodle is coming! The poodle is coming! (Don't ask πŸ™‚ )

      (This message has been edited by AVN (edited 12-18-2000).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by AVN:
      **1. Escape from prison.
      2. Return Home.
      3. Venture through 8 kingdoms, kill 8 bosses.
      4. Get the 8 Algernon peices.
      5. Enter ninth kingdom.
      6. Blacksmith will put them together for you if you get him a frame.
      7. Q: Guess where the frame is!
      8. A: Captn. Crowley's Mines! (which you get a key for from the blacksmith)
      9. Go through the mines.
      10. Algernon complete!
      11. Venture through ninth kingdom.
      12. Get lots of goodies.
      13. Battle Xichra!
      14. THE END (Or is it? πŸ™‚ )

      Great! I love that storyline!

      "Give me a large enough hard drive, a fast enough modem, and I can download the web!"

    • I vote #1.
      When the voting is done, I will demand a recount :D.

      "Give me a large enough hard drive, a fast enough modem, and I can download the web!"

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Emperor Ent:
      **Any disaggreements?

      Yes. I think there should only be one Algernon.

      "Give me a large enough hard drive, a fast enough modem, and I can download the web!"

    • Quote

      Originally posted by AVN:
      **The Ninth Kingdom! Definetly!:)

      Yes, that is the basic plot. And, at the end, instead of the normal "win screen", we should have Ferazel hold the Algernon at Queen Xichra and then she dies.

      What about the Gwendolyn? It feels left out and wants to become part of our game. :frown:

      The basic Summit Plummit (no signs or characters) is finished! Wait till you see how hard it is to get the Algernon peice!

      Oh, and there is no Algernon Peice in the Ninth Kingdom, right? Or is there? I think this is what should happen.

      1. Escape from prison.
      2. Return Home.
      3. Venture through 8 kingdoms, kill 8 bosses.
      4. Get the 8 Algernon peices.
      5. Enter ninth kingdom.
      6. Blacksmith will put them together for you if you get him a frame.
      7. Q: Guess where the frame is!
      8. A: Captn. Crowley's Mines! (which you get a key for from the blacksmith)
      9. Go through the mines.
      10. Algernon complete!
      11. Venture through ninth kingdom.
      12. Get lots of goodies.
      13. Battle Xichra!
      14. THE END (Or is it? πŸ™‚ )

      Good? Any disagreements? And who suggested not to use The Mines? We must use the mines! Hard levels are great! : ok, I'm finished sucking up to aschaaf : πŸ™‚

      Hmmm, room for a sequel. Maybe the "Big World" web site should have a web board. That way, we can do more secret planning. We are practically giving away the story here. Plus, it's hard to keep track of you guys here.

      "Soppy?!?! That's an insult!"
      "Life sucks no matter what, why not we all just worship absurdity?"

    • Quote

      Originally posted by aschaaf_86:
      **When the voting is done, I will demand a recount:D.

      But then I will accuse you of strategory. πŸ˜„ They misunderestimated me.

      Your pet poodle is flying loop-de-loops over my microchips! The poodle is coming! The poodle is coming! (Don't ask πŸ™‚ )

    • I like that idea better than mine. But what if instead of having the shards form an Algernon have them form the Gwydon. Much more individual. Are we sure characters can take shards away from you? Also the Gwydon has no use. How will this be used? I think all the cinematic pictures should be new.
      I was thinking of starting the prisons, with a few conversations. A guard explaining to Ferazel the plot. Can we change the Spirtes and Background?

      The election is over, the results are now known;
      The will of the people has plainly been shown;
      So let's be friends and let differences pass,
      I'll hug your elephant and you kiss my ass.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by SmasherOfPumpkins:
      **We are practically giving away the story here.

      So what?

      "Give me a large enough hard drive, a fast enough modem, and I can download the web!"

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Emperor Ent:
      **Can we change the Spirtes and Background?

      I'm not sure if we can make new sprites, I'll do several tests tomorrow.

      "Give me a large enough hard drive, a fast enough modem, and I can download the web!"

    • Smasher of Pumpkins-
      I agree with you, but the no one wanted to start a private board. Oh, pooh. However, I intend to finish work on my secret page and post it for few to see. πŸ™‚

      The election is over, the results are now known;
      The will of the people has plainly been shown;
      So let's be friends and let differences pass,
      I'll hug your elephant and you kiss my ass.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Emperor Ent:
      Weird Kingdom (Kingdom 8): Bob the Mediocre

      This idea may have been slightly overused, but I was thinking that a floating kingdom would work for me.


      BTW- By a bug do you mean a level where the tiles are all mixed up, ie. floors give way?

      Not tiles, something else.(I love giving away tiny hints that don't help any πŸ™‚ )

      So enthusiastic, a little bit drastic,
      I shaved her name in my head,
      And as she beheld it, she said I misspelled it,
      Need more be said? Barenaked Ladies- These Apples

    • Floating kingdom/ weird kingdom. It's all the same to me. πŸ˜‰

      The election is over, the results are now known;
      The will of the people has plainly been shown;
      So let's be friends and let differences pass,
      I'll hug your elephant and you kiss my ass.

    • In my kingdom, the Algernon piece will be in a hidden Habnabit village. I will tell Ferazel to tell the guard of the city to let you in. Someone in the city has it.

      Ferazel Rocks!
      Cythera's 'Team Stories' Rock!

    • The village idea sounds good. Great place to have some new Backgrounds :)Would this village be were some habnabits have taken refuge? Also, will there be any. You could have a pilar which is opened, releasing monsters. The pillar could be opened by a conversation. Just random ideas.

      The election is over, the results are now known;
      The will of the people has plainly been shown;
      So let's be friends and let differences pass,
      I'll hug your elephant and you kiss my ass.

    • I think the current count is this:

      AVN (1)
      aschaaf_86 :frown:1)
      Bob the mediocre
      Knight of NI
      Emperor Ent (1)
      ferazel_09 (1)

      Some votes are yet to be counted, but, unlike Flordia, I promise you every vote counts.

      The election is over, the results are now known;
      The will of the people has plainly been shown;
      So let's be friends and let differences pass,
      I'll hug your elephant and you kiss my ass.

    • ascaaf_86-
      Could you post the FINAL plot on your website? Here it is, for the last time, I promise.


      When Ferazel returns home he realizes it is up to him to rebuild his once great people. He leads a mining party to search for the essential ziridum. Well traveling the party is attacked, Ferazel is the only survivior, but his is taken prisoner by the evil creatures. While imprisioned he learns that those who attacked him are the Mandrikai, who have rallied under the Dread Queen Xichra. Ferazel hears that he is too be sent to the Ninth Kingdom, the new lair of Xichra. There she intends to deal with him personally.

      Ferazel barely escapes from the Mandrikai prision and returns home. He finds a desolete land and learns the Habnabits have been forced to flee. Realizing what he must do, Ferazel sets off to battle his way through the Eight Kingdoms in hope of reaching the Ninth Kingdom and destroying Queen Xichra once and for all.

      Each of the Eight Kingdoms has been invaded by Xichra. Most are deadly enemies of her trying their hardest to keep their people free. Others have made secret packs with Xichra, and allowed her to plant troops in their land. As Ferazel travels through the Eight Kingdoms he will meet many great leaders and many vile traitors. Some will aid him by bestowing him gifts from their people. Others will try to set him back or even destroy him.

      Ferazel learns towards the end of the game that the Queen Xichra is not the same one he destroyed. The New Queen is also a Habnabit, one who was shunned and scorned by her people because of her horrible features. Seeking revenge, she adopted the mantle of the Dread Queen, hoping to spread the orginal Queen's evil ideas, and destroy her people the Habnabits.

      Many years ago before the reign of Xichra, the people's of the Nine Kingdoms meet. For years they had exchanged control of the Gwendolyn. A powerful object that gave them much power, however, they feared what would happen if they got into the wrong hands. Therefore, they decided to abolish the Gwendolyn, spreading the shards throughout there land.

      The Ninth Kingdom was inhabited by a very secret race. That's why no one noticed when they fell. Xichra invaded their land subtlly. She soon had control over the Ninth Kingdom. Queen Xichra learned of the power of the Gwendolyn and desired it above all. Her quest was cut short, by her death, but, now she is alvie and searching once more.

      The Eight Kingdoms realize it is imparative that they regain the Gwendolyn before Xichra. Many will recruit Ferazel in the task of finding their shards.

      Ferazel's To Do List:)
      1. Escape from prison.
      2. Return Home.
      3. Venture through 8 kingdoms, kill 8 bosses.
      4. Get the 8 Gwendolyn shards from each kingdom.
      5. Enter ninth kingdom.
      6. Blacksmith will put them together for you if you get him a frame.
      7. Q: Guess where the frame is!
      8. A: Captn. Crowley's Mines! (which you get a key for from the blacksmith
      9. Go through the mines.
      10. Gwendolyn complete!
      11. Venture through ninth kingdom.
      12. Get lots of goodies.
      13. Battle Xichra!
      14. THE END (Or is it?)

      The election is over, the results are now known;
      The will of the people has plainly been shown;
      So let's be friends and let differences pass,
      I'll hug your elephant and you kiss my ass.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Emperor Ent:
      **Many years ago before the reign of Xichra, the people's of the Nine Kingdoms meet. For years they had exchanged control of the Gwendolyn. A powerful object that gave them much power, however, they feared what would happen if they got into the wrong hands. Therefore, they decided to abolish the Gwendolyn, spreading the shards throughout there land.

      The Ninth Kingdom was inhabited by a very secret race. That's why no one noticed when they fell. Xichra invaded their land subtlly. She soon had control over the Ninth Kingdom. Queen Xichra learned of the power of the Gwendolyn and desired it above all. Her quest was cut short, by her death, but, now she is alvie and searching once more.

      The Eight Kingdoms realize it is imparative that they regain the Gwendolyn before Xichra. Many will recruit Ferazel in the task of finding their shards.

      Ferazel's To Do List
      1. Escape from prison.
      2. Return Home.
      3. Venture through 8 kingdoms, kill 8 bosses.
      4. Get the 8 Gwendolyn shards from each kingdom.
      5. Enter ninth kingdom.
      6. Blacksmith will put them together for you if you get him a frame.
      7. Q: Guess where the frame is!
      8. A: Captn. Crowley's Mines! (which you get a key for from the blacksmith
      9. Go through the mines.
      10. Gwendolyn complete!
      11. Venture through ninth kingdom.
      12. Get lots of goodies.
      13. Battle Xichra!
      14. THE END (Or is it?)

      I think the Gwendolyn doesn't have shards or a frame. The Gwendolyn just is a plain mirror. The Algernon , however, has a frame and shards. I think you just ment Algernon.

      Ferazel Rocks!
      Cythera's 'Team Stories' Rock!

    • All bonus items can fly and shine!
      Just enter 1 in one of the info fields.
      This will solve the gwendolyn problem.
      (I think it is info field (0))

      "This is supposed to be a happy occasion. LetΒ΄s not bicker and argue about who killed who."

    • I wish I checked this boadr more often... Anyway, I was wondering if I could be in in some small way, maybe make some kind of chase through the swamps level at the end where Ferazel is being chased by something climactically after whatever happens when he beats Xichra and then goes on to kind of a a wrap up level...

      Swamps may only require some minor teaking of existing graphics.

      I also don't like the idea of Xichra being an alienated habnabit. In my experience things like this make very weak (and cheesy) villains. Other than that I am obsolutely fine with the plot.

      "Si hanc sententiam legere potes, tum es
      et optime educatus et non habitus vitam."

      (This message has been edited by LoneIgadzra (edited 12-19-2000).)

    • I don't think the Xichra villian is cheesy, if done right; Darth Vader right not Jermemy Irones right. If it is done properly it will be cool. Besides, that is similar to the orginal.

      I don't think there should be a wrap up level. By the last level, most secrets will be reveale, a few may be revealed in that though.

      We could add a few swamp levels before Ferazel arrives at the First Kingdom. How does that sound?

      Also, how many levels will everyone be making? What constitutes a Kingdom?

      The election is over, the results are now known;
      The will of the people has plainly been shown;
      So let's be friends and let differences pass,
      I'll hug your elephant and you kiss my ass.

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