Originally posted by aschaaf_86:
Oooh! A TIMED maze! hahahahaha.. (hmm, this webboard needs an evil grin...)
#1. Timed Maze: Thought of that too. Cool idea, isn't it?
#2. Evil Grin: Agreed. I think Cap't of the Guard would agree on that too. Or maybe he would think (not agree, I don't think this) that there should be a "ha ha ha" smiley. 
What I was not planning on was Polish Falcon not figuring out what that meant.
Basically, Mr. Falcon, I can't get the java compiler because I don't have that much time on my hands. It's 9 MB's!
Why don't we all call Polish Falcon "molotov cocktail"? (You don't want to know. :))
And Cap't of the Guard can be "kitty boy"! (You REALLY don't want to know. :D)
(WARNING: Unrelated Material Ahead)
Has anybody thought of what would happen if Microsoft and Apple merged?
And they said Microsoft was a monopoly...
(/WARNING: Unrelated Material Behind)
And now, something useful :): OK, aschaaf. How about the key to Crowley's Mines is in the tech level? As for the entrance, what about the "Iceconoclasm" FG merged with the "Unemployed in Greenland only Scarier" PX with the "Parched Earth" BG and the level layout from "Tombs of Death"? Confusing, isn't it...
And last, I still think that we should make a... WHOA! MAJOR IDEA! How about an "invisible-FG-but-confusing-BG-tileset-used-with-a-timed-maze" level? Doom to all... <insert evil laughter here>
Your pet poodle is flying loop-de-loops over my microchips! The poodle is coming! The poodle is coming! (Don't ask