Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • I've gotten much of the gameplay into my level, except for one problem - the colors are screwed up. Everything is wayyyyyy too bright and at a certain level (of altitude) there is this band of messed up colors. In theory copying the level info should have made the level use the same color pallettes (sp?) ...

      Does anyone have any ideas about what might be causing this? This has happened on every level I have attempted to create ffrom scratch so far, but this is the first one i haven't given up on.

      "Si hanc sententiam legere potes, tum es
      et optime educatus et non habitus vitam."

      (This message has been edited by LoneIgadzra (edited 12-22-2000).)

    • Quote

      Originally posted by LoneIgadzra:
      **I've gotten much of the gameplay into my level, except for one problem - the colors are screwed up. Everything is wayyyyyy too bright and at a certain level there is this band of messed of colors. In theory copying the level info should have made the level use the same color pallettes (sp?) ...

      Does anyone have any ideas about what might be causing this? This has happened on every level I have attempted to create ffrom scratch so far, but this is the first one I haven't given up on.

      Always write zero in the level info flag that control lightning. To fix the band of weird colors I entered the "define pxBack scroll speeds" or something like that and wrote 0 in all the fields.

      "This is supposed to be a happy occasion. Let´s not bicker and argue about who killed who."

    • Some comments on Plummit Summit:

      I like it!
      The Red Xichron secret is great.

      There is a "bug" with the lightmap:
      All the tiles of one of the Lava puddles aren't the same color.
      It looks ugly.
      I think it was near the beginning.

      I think you should have more of the scenery be in the foreground.
      (To do this, put "1" in info(2))

      Also, It doesn't look very good when you spin-jump to get the single Xichron that's on top of the lava pit at the beginning of the level in the center of the part that looks like '@' whe viewed in MASCOT because of the scenery.
      I think you should move it to the right.
      Also, I apologize for the lack of clarity of the first scentence in this parograph.

      "Give me a large enough hard drive, a fast enough modem, and I can download the web!"

    • I'm working on a level right before my kingdom. It's called "Climb the Highest Peak". I'm also having trouble with boxes with enemys in them. When I shoot them they are just the "Sprite Face Not Loaded" boxes. I've been pretty busy lately, and haven't had much time to post or work on levels. Now I think I will, I hope.

      So enthusiastic, a little bit drastic,
      I shaved her name in my head,
      And as she beheld it, she said I misspelled it,
      Need more be said? Barenaked Ladies- These Apples

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Knight of NI:
      **Always write zero in the level info flag that control lightning. To fix the band of weird colors I entered the "define pxBack scroll speeds" or something like that and wrote 0 in all the fields.

      PxBack scroll speeds defines the speed at which the background moves to create that "paralax" effect or whatever. If it worked fine in the original levels, it should be working fine in mine... That's stupid.

      "Si hanc sententiam legere potes, tum es
      et optime educatus et non habitus vitam."

    • Can we replace the big bug sprite with an owl?
      It would be great for the Dark Woods levels, and it's rarley used.

      "Give me a large enough hard drive, a fast enough modem, and I can download the web!"

    • I have just created simple lightmaps for my levels, but the troubles are rolling down the hills already.

      Sometimes when I shoot fireballs in places with cave BG tiles, the lightning that appears from the fireball isdisplayed as large boxes, and sometimes an ugly orange color.
      The lightmaps are just pictures filled with one gray color made in Photoshop.
      Help me on this one.

      "This is supposed to be a happy occasion. Let´s not bicker and argue about who killed who."

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Knight of NI:
      Always write zero in the level info flag that control lightning. To fix the band of weird colors I entered the "define pxBack scroll speeds" or something like that and wrote 0 in all the fields.

      I meant only write 0 if you don´t use a customized lightmap.

      "This is supposed to be a happy occasion. Let´s not bicker and argue about who killed who."

    • Yeah, well the thing does use a light map.

      "Si hanc sententiam legere potes, tum es
      et optime educatus et non habitus vitam."

    • I made several tests tonight, and here's what I found out:
      We can make 4 new characters.
      I demand that the first one be the "ghost" character.
      I plan to post files for this soon.

      Replacing the "1 bug" (bee?) sprites with a quick sketch of an owl was a sucess.
      Click (url="http://"")here(/url) for a screenshot.
      Note that the purple part of the owl was just a test, and will NOT be in final versions.

      I found that there is room for one (and only one) more spike-ball.
      Click (url="http://"")here(/url) for a screenshot.

      Also, I found that we can make at least one more platform.
      See the above screenshot.
      I'm not sure if we can make more than new platform,
      I'll do some more tests.

      We can't make new clouds.

      We can't make new ropes. :frown:

      I wonder if I could add support for new items if Ben let me use the code...

      "Give me a large enough hard drive, a fast enough modem, and I can download the web!"

      (This message has been edited by aschaaf_86 (edited 12-26-2000).)

    • To get the Ghost files, click (url="http://"")here(/url).

      "Give me a large enough hard drive, a fast enough modem, and I can download the web!"

      (This message has been edited by spamguy (edited 12-26-2000).)

    • I always thought there should be a cloud-platform. Do you think we could try to find some good artists to make various things. I think we should make an announcement on all the boards that we are looking for really good artists, all those interested should post on this board. Something like that. I also think we should make our own images between worlds like in the orginal game. Also if we made one iMac as scenery we could tint it various colors. Can we edit some of the characters? I know the people of my world should look like the reef giants of D&D.; I am sure everyone else has visions of the people in their world. Could we each get a character or something like that? I will try to work on my levels during Christmas vacation.

      Happy Holidays!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Emperor Ent:
      **I always thought there should be a cloud-platform. Do you think we could try to find some good artists to make various things. I think we should make an announcement on all the boards that we are looking for really good artists, all those interested should post on this board.

      Well, There's not very much that can be edited other than tilesets and backgrounds.


      Originally posted by Emperor Ent:
      **Could we each get a character or something like that?

      There are only three that can be used, unless we replace Sara and Taryn.
      You can make other ones by somehow putting a pic of your character (BG Tileset, or scenery if we can make new scenery), and add a ghost sprite.

      BTW, Does anyone have anything against replacing the big bug sprite with an owl?

      "Give me a large enough hard drive, a fast enough modem, and I can download the web!"

    • Replace Sara and Tayrn.

      I think the owl is cool, if you draw it better! 🙂

      I am making a new level called "Misunderestimation". Did you like battling the statue demons in Ferazel? Then try battling 4 of them while flying on a magic carpet over a bottomless pit... :))

      Can I make the level w/ a lot of bosses? (You know, the one where we have every boss in the game one after another?) I have some cool ideas...

      I shouldn't have said final on Summit Plummit. I have fixed the weird bug which causes ferazel to be injured when he gets the gold key. I have made many FG scenerys. I have also made it harder :)... Aschaaf, it's not quite ready yet, but expect it soon...

      Know what we should do? (A little late now, so we really shouldn't, but someone else could...) Make a game out of The Hobbit. Wouldn't it be cool to battle Smaug at the end? And we could make elves and dwarwes and Gandalf. Oh, well. It's too late now. But maybe someone who didn't join this project because of their inexperience could get practised up and do that. 🙂

      And lastly, what on earth does misunderestimated mean, anyhow? Just one of those non-existent words invented by Bush. But be careful. You'll have to have a lot of strategory to beat my levels. 🙂

      Your pet poodle is flying loop-de-loops over my microchips! The poodle is coming! The poodle is coming! (Don't ask 🙂 )

    • Quote

      Originally posted by AVN:
      **Replace Sara and Tayrn.

      However, the FAQ it said they wouldn't work.
      I feel this is hogwash, but I'll test it anyway.


      Originally posted by AVN:
      **I think the owl is cool, if you draw it better!:)

      Yeah. That was a rough sketch.


      Originally posted by AVN:
      **I am making a new level called "Misunderestimation". Did you like battling the statue demons in Ferazel? Then try battling 4 of them while flying on a magic carpet over a bottomless pit...:) )

      I wish I'd thought of it...


      Originally posted by AVN:
      **...FG scenerys...

      "FG scenerys"?


      Originally posted by AVN:
      **Know what we should do? (A little late now, so we really shouldn't, but someone else could...) Make a game out of The Hobbit. Wouldn't it be cool to battle Smaug at the end? And we could make elves and dwarwes and Gandalf. Oh, well. It's too late now. But maybe someone who didn't join this project because of their inexperience could get practised up and do that.:)

      That would be impossible unless Lord Ben adds support for custom objects, or lets someone else try to do it (Hint, Hint... :)).


      Originally posted by AVN:
      **You'll have to have a lot of strategory to beat my levels.:)

      I want to put Dubya in the secret level.

      "Give me a large enough hard drive, a fast enough modem, and I can download the web!"

      (This message has been edited by aschaaf_86 (edited 12-26-2000).)

    • BTW AVN, according to Bush, you are a leadership.

      "Give me a large enough hard drive, a fast enough modem, and I can download the web!"

    • Quote

      Originally posted by aschaaf_86:
      **FG scenerys?

      Sorry. I almost sounded like dubya there. 🙂 I meant I put more scenery objects in the foreground.

      Your pet poodle is flying loop-de-loops over my microchips! The poodle is coming! The poodle is coming! (Don't ask 🙂 )

    • Here come a lot of levels and the long-forgotten music file, aschaaf.

      Your pet poodle is flying loop-de-loops over my microchips! The poodle is coming! The poodle is coming! (Don't ask 🙂 )

    • If only we could replace the demon head with Dubya's, we could have a field day. 🙂

      I like the "Misunderestimation" - quite a mean bastard level idea.

      I stand by what the FAQ says. I never saw Taryn or Sara used in beta levels, so I expect Ben just never bothered to make them "usabable." Try her if you want.

      MAGNETIC POEM #455
      twice in a dream i visioned
      nerds content with empowering
      man and space

    • Quote

      Originally posted by spamguy:
      **If only we could replace the demon head with Dubya's, we could have a field day.:)

      Or Bill Gates.

      "Give me a large enough hard drive, a fast enough modem, and I can download the web!"

      (This message has been edited by aschaaf_86 (edited 12-27-2000).)

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