Originally posted by AVN:
You don't have Finale? Give your MIDI's to me and I will use Finale's instruments. Be sure to tell me what instruments each part is, of course.
OK what's your email address?
I'm going to repost one of my old posts that didn't get any replies, I edited it a little and tell me what you think of these ideas for OBW:
Beginning of Old Post
Here are some ideas I've been having to spur level makers:
1. For the ocean world, have a sunken city or coral reef level.
2. In a dark woods level or something, make a REALLY big jump. You have to do a running jump and even then you fall for a long time and think you're going to die, but then you catch on to a ledge and pull yourself up. This has to be the next to last level. Mark my words. It's side scrolling tradition. So you pull yourself up, there's a save point, some ziridium brine (purple liquid), and then you enter a really hard level, like a castle. The ledge could be the windowsill of a castle. Hmmm...I wonder where I got that from...anyone else a fan of PoP2?
3. A Boss battle on a broken bridge...would it be possible to change the sprites in the middle of the battle so first its a normal bridge and then it breaks and you both go falling? Again, I'm taking a lot of ideas from the game mentioned above. Oh well.
4. Are you sure OBW needs to have Xichra as a boss? Wouldn't it be more original to have a hard level and at the end and have a bunch of other mini-bosses in the last room?
5. A tavern! Make lots of people there, telling rumors and hints about how to find secrets and stuff like that. And you could make a brothel. No, please! Don't take away my karma! I didn't mean it! Honest!
End of Old Post
Remember, this conversation never took place.