I was wondering, are there any EV-Nova shipyards yet? And, could anyone help me in making a few simple graphics for my plug-in? Because I have a new empire (one of two) that steals tech's from other empires and I just need shipyard pics with a White fading to black backround with an Anaconda, Manticore, Fed Viper, Mod Starbridge, Valkryle, and a Pirate Thunderhead, unfortunatley I can't do **** for graphics, and I have no idea how I would change the background colors....
o, and if anyone want's to help on this plug please feel free to say. It has two new empires the Yamato Empire, and the Schiyora'tek, one who steals others techs and heavily upgrades them with new stolen techoligy, and one who will have all new ships and weapons (I hope). With new missions for each, and ties with the original storylines. Help is appreciated