While attempting to find the North Gidolan Tunnel from memory, I found the Trolls' Lair. Before anyone asks, yes I did use the search function, and yes, I do know that this has been brought up before. The most recent mention of it I found was from early 2002.
From the Plains of Endless Winds Tunnel Enterance, head 1 S, 1 W, 1 S, 1 W to get to the Trolls' Lair. There are lots of trolls there, and a big cave with many more trolls, and gold. By cleansing the cave, I earned ~2500 experience points. I am almost positive that neither Trinity, nor the stock game, nor Spells Expander require you to journey there, unless that is where the Staff of Lordship is found.... I still haven't found that thing, after months of trying.
Lit Nerd
Could it be both on fire and a software problem?
"And now, for something completely different."
(This message has been edited by Lit Nerd (edited 01-19-2003).)