Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Wanted: Minor mission strings

      EV:nova is well and great, but lacks a bit depht besides the main storylines. Where are all the plug-ins to extend the universe and give you something to do with your fancy new ship later in the game?

      How about extending the minor lines like the terraforming and far space exploration?

      Team up with some good storytellers and get cracking with minor mission plugins too, not just TCs and additional ships and unbalanced add-ons.

      Erik K. Veland
      "That's no ordinary

    • A lone voice of reason! We could use these for every member of the EV series.

      (Lies are in your head.)
      Ia! Ia! (url="http://"")EVula(/url) fthagn! | (url="http://"")Non-functional link(/url)

    • I think it's a great idea. In fact it's such a good idea, I think it might just work πŸ™‚

      Wish you the best of luck in your endavor.

      The Evil Spoonman
      "Life is to important to be taken seriously."

    • You know, that's the trouble with making suggestions, everyone expects you to do all the work! πŸ˜›

      Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat.
      --John Lehman,US secretary of the navy

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Vast Deathmaster:
      **You know, that's the trouble with making suggestions, everyone expects you to do all the work!:p


      That's because some people have other work to do ;).

      Moderator- (url="http://";=9&SUBMIT;=Go")EV Developer's Corner(/url) | (url="http://"")mrxak's Assorted Webspace Forum(/url)
      (url="http://"")Need Plug Testers?(/url) | (url="http://"")Need Developers?(/url) | (url="http://"")Save Time, Search First(/url) | (url="http://"")EV/EVO/EVN Survival Guide(/url) | (url="http://"")Nova Addons(/url) | (url="http://"")Got NovaTools?(/url)
      (url="http://"")mrxak's Assorted Webspace(/url) | (url="http://";=TheChallenge102.sea.bin")The Challenge v1.0.2(/url) | (url="http://"")The Haiku Archive(/url)
      I think, therefore I hmm...

    • Quote

      Originally posted by mrxak:
      **That's because some people have other work to do;).


      /me opens big mouth to say something, sees that mrxak has already said what he was going to say, and closes it again. (A feat which, if you knew me, is very hard to comprehend)

      (url="http://"")monster!(/url) (url="http://"")Caribbean(/url) // (url="http://"")Join the Empire!(/url) (url="http://"")Anything is possible(/url)
      "Wonderful things, these techno trousers!"

    • Try zUnity. It's on the addons page.

      My (url="http://"")website(/url), hosted by (url="http://"")EVula(/url).
      More to come soon...

    • Quote

      Originally posted by P-Psycho:
      **Try zUnity. It's on the addons page.

      Yeah, I already have zUnity, which is exactly the plug I am looking for (except for the fact that I had to delete it's splash screen replacement cringe). I understand that it extends polaris only.

      I'm not a good writer, but I can do 2d graphics pretty well. So I could help out with a plugin of the sort I'm wanting, not just expecting it to be done for me. I was merely seeding the idea and the need for such plugins into the development community.

      An excellent example of what I'm talking about is the Angels of Vengeance plug for original EV. It extended the existing universe with two new goverments, a boatload of new systems and a whole new and engaging plot that was beside anything that happened elsewere. Enhancing the Nova universe like this could be easy. Suddenly the spaceprobe-experiment works out, and you get a hypergate to a whole new cluster of systems down in the south with alien races with their own politics and such. After this discovery, you'd not only get a new plot with those races, but tie-in missions with the rest of EVN's universe. Diplomatic missions, sigma shipping expanding into a new territory, etc.

      Erik K. Veland
      "That's no ordinary

    • Unfortunately, most everyone already has their own idea on what they want to do.

      (A lot of people like to make TC's because that way they can develop their own style/feel and not have to conform to Nova's boundries.)

      "...For what we see now is only a shadow of things to come..."

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Skyfox:
      **Unfortunately, most everyone already has their own idea on what they want to do.

      (A lot of people like to make TC's because that way they can develop their own style/feel and not have to conform to Nova's boundries.)


      Yes, but my idea is like a TC, only with the advantage of a large, existing universe.

      If you connect two separate universes like this, then you can still develop your own style since the two universes would make contact for the first time and necessarily would have different technologies, ways of interacting etc. than the rest...

      Erik K. Veland
      "That's no ordinary

    • Hi, we were working on somthing , in the line of your suggestion. But unfortunatly due to sevral reasons the project is currently ON HOLD . I hope to commence work on it again somewhere near the end of the year... I'll let you know when we commence work...

      Here is a description :

      <Escape Velocity Nova: Invasion>
      A vast and strong pirate fleet seeks to enslave the universe. Only you can defeat them by enlisting the help of the galactic leaders to join you in the pirateΒ’s defeat. Prepare yourself for the challenging new roller coaster of a plug with more than 30 missions, and a seemingly unstoppable new weapon, in the hands of evil . Brace yourself for Evn: Invasion.


      Includes new governments, weapon, fleets, pers, and a massive and elaborate story line that allows you to unite the universe against the unstoppable foe.

      (url="http://"")EVONE 1.0.0, the plugin editor for EV/EVO/EVN(/url)
      Star Trek : Frontiers ( An EVN Tc)
      Somewhere out there life is bound to exist...

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Entarus:
      Hi, we were working on somthing , in the line of your suggestion. But unfortunatly due to sevral reasons the project is currently ON HOLD . I hope to commence work on it again somewhere near the end of the year... I'll let you know when we commence work...

      Now that's more like it πŸ™‚

      Anyone else have projects like this? I'd be happy with even minor strings like the non-plot-ones already in Nova... only more of them πŸ™‚

      Erik K. Veland
      "That's no ordinary