Just a quick 'q'. If i dont give a missile a sprite is Nova going to do unexpected crashes on me?
l e g i o n
The heart goes streight from sugar to coffee.
Just a quick 'q'. If i dont give a missile a sprite is Nova going to do unexpected crashes on me?
l e g i o n
The heart goes streight from sugar to coffee.
It will crash. Use a blank sprite with two frames, at least.
Yeah, as he said. Just use black squares as sprites.
In EVC and EVO, it didn't crash when you didn't assign a sprite to a weapon, but it exhibited strange behavior (like using the target brackets as sprites, alternating with various asteroids and with a few interface graphics thrown in for good measure).
Mike Lee (Firebird)
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Or do what Meowx did with their invisible missiles for Quantumire.
Nosumus Fortiolis Quad Volimus
I'm the only guy in the universe that can make horses laugh and cry.
Originally posted by Coraxus:
**Or do what Meowx did with their invisible missiles for Quantumire.
What did Meowx do with the invisible missiles for Quantumire? You need to explain yourself better.
"The day microsoft makes something that doesn't suck will be the day they make vacuum cleaners." -White Lightning
Using not only a black image for sprite, but also mask as well. But make sure all the other resource datas are as what it should be as if you were making a weapon like keeping the spin resource at the matrix of 6x6.
Nosumus Fortiolis Quad Volimus
I'm the only guy in the universe that can make horses laugh and cry.
download EnRle/DeRle and then copy the Rle8, RleD, and spin resource for stellar grenade (chosen beecause it only has 2 frames) into a blank plugin and then drop them on DeRle. Then open up the pictures and copy them to Photoshop, just make everything black, then open up the masks and make everything black. Voila, invisible missle.
And it was written that no hand but his should wield the Sword held in the Stone, but he did draw it out, like fire in his hand, and his glory did burn the world. Thus did it begin. Thus do we sing his Rebirth. Thus do we sing the beginning.
-from Do'in Toldara te, Songs of the Last Age , Quarto Nine: The Legend of the Dragon. Composed by Boanne, Songmistress at Taralan, the Fourth Age