How would one acomplish a 1/3 probability of three things (or close enough)?
R( b1 R( b2 b3 ) ) would not do this...
R( R( b1 b2 ) R( b3 R( R( b1 b2 ) R( b3 R(...) would though in theory, but is impossible to do in a closed system (aka, not infinity). Therefore, how do we accomplish the R( R( b1 b2 ) R( b3 R( R( b1 b2 ) R( b3 R(...) equivalent in way which is possible to represent in the Nova engine?
Doing a R( R( b1 b2 ) R( b3 R( R( b1 b2 ) R( b3 R(...) for a while (but not to infinity, cut off with a slight bias towards either b1, b2, or b3), would produce a "good-enough" result. But can it get closer? A crön may get us there.
Using the iterative crön entry/exit (set Flags 0x0001), it may be possible to have the crön continue to do something similar to or in the form of R( R( b1 b2 ) R( b3 b4) ), where getting the value of b4 makes it go back and try again until it has either b1, b2, or b3 set. It essentually "finishes" with b4 never being set, and a 1/3 chance of the others being set. Two cröns may be needed to pull off the effect. I'll have to do more experimentation to see if I can get it to happen without any infinite loops (and actually meet the probabilities required).
Some call me strange. Some call me weird. Some just call me Normal Guy.