Originally posted by Techerakh:
**Can I make a three-way random decision split, or is the feature limited to two choices? Thanks for any help.
I have been, for an EVO TC, looking at alternate ways for the player to create an input. Instead of yeah/nay for a mission, choices of when and how to complete the mission (for instance, running a shipment of arms...do you turn it over to the cops, continue to the repressive government that hired you, or turn around and sell it to the rebels?).
Invisible missions makes this sort of thing cleaner. And EVN has more options via those lovely NCB's.
But there is a very interesting multiple-choice possibility in EVN... "Space-Captain Fred, the Consortium has decided to vote for a new leader. They've set up a temporary voting booth in the Outfitters. Will you go there and cast the deciding vote?" You arrive at the Outfitters, and instead of bombs and turrets you see nothing but pictures of delegates. When you click on one, you see a brief description of a party platform (plus a tonnage and a price, both zero...I know; does look a little odd).
After you purchase a "I voted for Jeremiah Gilgamesh" -- which appears in the Player info for a short time -- you leave. The voting world visbits back to something other than Special Tech Levels, a whole hog of missions are triggered by the presence of a "I voted for Gilgamesh" outfit on your ship, and the first such mission you take removes that "bumper sticker" from your ship.
You can see similar possibilities, I'm sure...the first to use an experimental hyperdrive, the personal choice to use weapons of mass destruction (which causes others to follow), etc...
A similar trick can be worked in the EVO shipyards. I'm figuring out the details now for use in my (someday, someday.....13% complete and counting) TC.
"I know the stranger's name."