Well, there are several ways that this can be accomplished. If you want engine FLAME, you can make a polyagonal object (globe/teslations are good for this) in the general shape of the flame you want (use the magnet tool to shape it properly), give it a fire like texture and make it edge transparent. You could also add an HV 3 displacement map to it and give it a fire tezture with an elongated z axis. You could also work with partigon generation, but in a still render, this is more dificult to get to look great (works well an animaton). If you are looking for a non-flame type object you could do an hypervoxel/null combination to simulate a plasma ball type thing, or you could do an edge transparent polygon that has the same effect. In either of these two methods, you want to create a point light with a lense flare (that has no rings, just a central glow, and has fade behind objects, make the light have no intensity itself, and the lense flare of a relitively low intensity.) Then you will want to position these flares at the focal point of the engine glow/flame. I am not agt my comp right now, so I may have not been as complete as I could have been if I could have booted Lightwave. Hope this helps, and good luck.