30 degree angled
Can i change my vote? go for 45ş if it's a TC or an addon to a TC, but otherwise, use birdseye (top down). I used to be Andrew M, btw.
When they took the 2nd amendment, I was silent because I didn't own guns.
When they took the 4th amendment, I was silent because I didn't deal drugs.
When they took the 5th amendment, I was silent because I was innocent.
Now they've taken the 1st amendment, and I can say nothing about it.
Top down.
Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"http://www.evoverride.com")http://www.evoverride.com(/url)!
" Philosophy, n. A route of many roads leading from nowhere to nothing."--Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary
Top Down
Because the ships look out of place when they are angled. Everything is top down and your ship is the only one that sticks out and oh well TOP DOWN......... anyway
Dead or alive I'm getting out one way.
Top down
...unless you know what you're doing. If you angle too much, you can't steer a ship, and if its angled too little, then no one will notice. I don't think angling worked in Frozen Heart, despite its greatness. The angling in EVN is nice, tho.
"What the hell are you staring at?" --Duckman
Top down. EV/O was not designed with true 3D in mind. Angled ships look stupid in the engine. I hope EV:N changes that, though.
My eyes see what yours see not...
(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/search.cgi?action=intro &default;=")USE ME, DAMNIT!!!(/url)
Top down.
burn it clean
Angled can be fun, but I say top down. My top down arada is the best ship in the crescent.
They have good fish on
Dispa Prime (p.s.: hint for upcoming plug)
All hail the good people of Ambrosia Software!
Originally posted by Coraxus:
**Angled, I like it so much I made a TC plug-in just for that. I can't believe I actually revived this old topic out on a whim.
Please don't dig up topics from 2 years (!) ago.
Beware the substance '(url="http://"http://www.EVula.com/")e(/url)'
Originally posted by Coraxus:
**Angled, I like it so much I made a TC plug-in just for that. I can't believe I actually revived this old topic out on a whim.
Come on, you should know better than to pull up old topics for no reason whatsoever. Topic locked.
(url="http://"http://www.mazca.com/")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, EV Developer's Corner
The one and only (url="http://"http://www.mazca.com/pr0n/legomazca.jpg")drunken kitchen leprechaun(/url)
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