Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • New Plug-in idea... Take a look!

      Hi, I'm working on a new Plug-In wich I intend to be available in both EV and EVO format... The plug-in will be for the Wing Commander universe! That's right, there will be aproximately 685 star systems with even more planets, stations and moons! I'd like to lighten the burden on myself though since I am currently alone on this project. All information will be supplied to those who apply to help me...
      These are the things I would like people to apply for:
      -Graphics (I would prefer not to re-use anything from other plug-ins, EV or EVO)
      -Sounds (same note as for graphics)
      -Spobs (those of you who arn't familiar with ResEdit terms, this means planets, stations and other such things)

      Everyone who helps will be mentioned in the credits of this plug-in and will have a ship of their own in the game (your choice) just like the EV people!

      Also, Ideas are always welcomed, and YES I am using the Map given by Wing Commander Prophecy for the creation of my galaxy! The story of my plug-in will try to encompass the whole series from Wing Commander to Wing Commander: Secret Ops... that will include Privateer 1 but not Privateer 2, WC: Armada or WC: Academy!

      Any more info needed? Just e-mail and find out, I will be adding a new section to my personal webpage dedicated to this plug-in including what is done and what's planned next... though that update to my page may take a few days.

      My e-mail is,
      My web page is (url="http://"") (currently nothing about EV on it)

      Maniac Angel Raptor

      Life is a waste of time and time is a waste of life... So get wasted all of the time and have the time of your life!

    • Sounds good!


    • Maniac Angel Raptor, that's a great idea. Wing Commander would have been my second choice after Gunda 0083. Unfortunately, my time is tied up between that plug and school, but I might be able to help you a bit in the graphics. Personally, I believe that EV Nova would be a better choice of an engine for you, although EVC and EVO would work as well. The advantage to EVC and EVO is that they're really similar resource wise, so the conversion would be relatively easy. On the other hand, EVN can handle more types of ships, as well as you can have variants of the fighters, etc. Also, the cron function and the new bits allow for new ships to be released at various times, and not appear early in the game. Again, I think that EVN would be a much better engine to base your plug on.


      Captain: What happen?
      Mechanic: Someone set up us the bomb!
      Operator: We get signal.
      Captain: What!

    • I could do some resource work as well, but again, as I said, I wouldn't have much time. If you have any questions about how to get various resources working the way you want them to, feel free to ask.


      Captain: What happen?
      Mechanic: Someone set up us the bomb!
      Operator: We get signal.
      Captain: What!

    • Well, I'm running under Executor... a Macintosh emulator for Windows. I can't afford my own Mac right now so I'm stuck there. It can emulate up to system 7.1.0 so EVN is FAR beyond my reach... unfortunately! I would gladly have made that for EVN but I will have to let someone else do an EVN version of my plug-in after it's released. I welcome assistance with the graphics, if you get any of it done, put it in a plug-in, stuff it and send it via e-mail 😛 As for help, well, I have studdied the EV Bible and keep it at my side the whole time I make my plug-in so I won't need help... until I get to the conversion into EVO that is!

      Maniac Angel Raptor

      Life is a waste of time and time is a waste of life... So get wasted all of the time and have the time of your life!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Maniac Angel Raptor:
      **Well, I'm running under Executor... a Macintosh emulator for Windows. I can't afford my own Mac right now so I'm stuck there. It can emulate up to system 7.1.0 so EVN is FAR beyond my reach... unfortunately! I would gladly have made that for EVN but I will have to let someone else do an EVN version of my plug-in after it's released. I welcome assistance with the graphics, if you get any of it done, put it in a plug-in, stuff it and send it via e-mail:p As for help, well, I have studdied the EV Bible and keep it at my side the whole time I make my plug-in so I won't need help... until I get to the conversion into EVO that is!

      Maniac Angel Raptor


      I've messed with Excecutr before and almost any mac will run better than that emulator.

      I would suggest picking up an old mac from (url="http://"") or (url="http://"")eBay(/url) and the throwing in an (url="http://"") accelerator. (/url)
      Then you can run Nova perhaps?

      (url="http://"")NovaBurst Home(/url)

    • I don't have a credit card and I live in Canada so I can't buy from very many online-stores... Executor is crap compared to a real Mac, I agree... but it runs Escape Velocity very well (no music for some odd reason but the sound fx works) and it runs ResEdit well enough... it's still pretty buggy though so I've become a master of backing up my work 😛 EV Override runs but without sound of any kind and it's a bit slow... that's why I'm doing my plug-in for EV first, then porting it EV Override.

      Life is a waste of time and time is a waste of life... So get wasted all of the time and have the time of your life!

    • Well, I still think that you'd better try to find another graphic artist first before you fall back on me. Though, if you still absolutely need my help, don't hesitate to ask. I will, however, need some sort of reference as to what the ships/fighters/etc. look like, so if you have or know of a website, or something, send it over. I'd be happy to help with resource work, or whatever.


      Captain: What happen?
      Mechanic: Someone set up us the bomb!
      Operator: We get signal.
      Captain: What!

    • The best resource site for Wing Commander is (url="http://"") they have a section dedicated to the ships and weapons, though no graphics for the weapons. They also have over 400 pictures from artists dedicated to Wing Commander. You can also check out my site (refer to the first post) to check out what I need and what has been assigned/completed. Currently though, I really need a graphics artist... and you are the onlyone who has replied yet. Ofcourse, just because you're making graphics for me (albeit with your tight schedule) doesn't mean I can't have someone else do that too. Splitting the work makes for a faster release-date.

      Maniac Angel Raptor

      Life is a waste of time and time is a waste of life... So get wasted all of the time and have the time of your life!

    • Quote

      Well, I'm running under Executor... a Macintosh emulator for Windows. I can't afford my own Mac right now so I'm stuck there. It can emulate up to system 7.1.0 so EVN is FAR beyond my reach... unfortunately! I would gladly have made that for EVN but I will have to let someone else do an EVN version of my plug-in after it's released. I welcome assistance with the graphics, if you get any of it done, put it in a plug-in, stuff it and send it via e-mail 😛 As for help, well, I have studdied the EV Bible and keep it at my side the whole time I make my plug-in so I won't need help... until I get to the conversion into EVO that is!

      Get Basilisk II and a mac ROM. Works just fine, and it can run nova. You can do it for free, too, if you are unscrupulous enough to get a mac ROM without a mac.

      If at first you don't succeed, use more duct tape.

    • Well guys! Guess what? It's been decided that my Wing Commander plug-in WILL include EV Nova! Currently, we are working towards the release of version 1.0 of my plug-in wich will be Escape Velocity Classic, then we will add more stuff and make it better for Escape Velocity Override, then we will add alot more stuff and make a few changes here and there and release it for Escape Velocity Nova!!! But we still need graphics and sound people or this project will never even reach Override let alone Nova! So come on people! Let's make this plug-in the best it can be!

      Refer to the top of this thread for my e-mail to apply and my web-page wich has the current completed parts of my plug-in... I have completed 7 out of the 12 sectors, that's right, over 400 systems! Though I have no spobs right now... So if you want to be part of this project then e-mail me and tell me what you'd be interested in doing on it Other than game-testing!!! and we can set something up! I have someone working on the missions so I don't believe we'll need someone else for that, though I will ask him if he could use with some help.

      Maniac Angel Raptor

      Life is a waste of time and time is a waste of life... So get wasted all of the time and have the time of your life!

    • Sorry to let you down like this, but I'm just too busy with school and my current plug. You could put out another topic that goes something like "Graphics Artists needed!" or something. But that Wing Commander site has a ton of models already. I think that you probably just need someone to finish the unfinished models, and to render the ones that are already done. Sorry I couldn't help you with the graphics, but I'd still love to see the plug when it's done.


      "Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

    • Ok people, we are progressing nicely right now despite our lack of resources... I've got a list of the ships that will be in my plug-ins available on my site... essentially, I've figured out a simple way to include almost every single ship class available in Wing Commander 1, 2, Privateer, Armada, 3, 4, Prohphecy and Secret Ops. Obviously that is way too many ships for 1 plug-in so I'm going with 3 plug-ins! The beginning of the Kilrathi War; "WC 1,2,Priv", the end of the Kilrathi War; "WC Armada,3,4" and the Niphilim War; "WC Prophecy, Secret Ops".

      This should get you interested!

      I am still searching for graphics and sounds people! I have none of that yet and no one working on it!

      I will be getting a new address for my Plug-In specifically soon enough, probably on again since they give 50 MB of space and unlimited bandwidth for free! 😄

      I have 2 people helping me with this plug-in... I need more if we are to release the first version of it soon!

      Maniac Angel Raptor
      e-mail & MSN:
      ICQ: 43849393 (Maniac Angel)
      Yahoo! Messenger: maniac_angel_raptor (
      Web site: (url="http://"") (Best viewed at 800x600 with frames... Compatible with I.E. 3+, Netscape 4+, and Opera.)

      Life is a waste of time and time is a waste of life... So get wasted all of the time and have the time of your life!

    • Just don't rush it, make it REAL good while you're still at it...

      Don't take life so
      serious, it ain't nohow

    • Alright, my new page is up at (url="http://"") and it's completely dedicated to my plug-in... the link at my previous homepage marked as Escape Velocity will lead you to this new page so no worries.

      As for "rushing"... well, I'm not rushing, nor am I making the other 2 that are working on this rush in any way. It takes time to make the graphics and sounds (or aquire them) and I simply want those done by the time I need to use them. I'm looking to get this plug-in completed and chances are good that by the time the first installment of my plug-in is released, I'll have a mac and I'll be able to do a little more then I can right now! I'll even be able to play EVN... that means an EVN version of this plug is CERTAIN 😉

      I've removed any "too far into the future" information that was in my site about my plug-in... i.e. the info for the 2nd installment and beyond. Right now it's looking good with 685 systems, 13 governments and 56 ships in the works... mission computer is completed, core missions progressing... spobs already started... All this can be found in more detail at my page.

      Life is a waste of time and time is a waste of life... So get wasted all of the time and have the time of your life!