That's right.. i need help. I'm trying to make a licence similer to the fake ID in EV, but without luck. I can do everything but BUT make it clear my record in every system and have the text i want to show up when i go to buy it. so.. anyone know what i gotta do?
need help Useing the Clean Legal Record Modtype, and the dësc resorces with Novatools
4 5 416
dësc id for the id = index number (oütf id - 128) + 3000
I've heard a few reports of clean id functions not working in Nova, but I've not tested it myself.
There is a place, where these creatures of phenominal power exist. I went their once, and walked as they did, and studied them. Only then did I understand why we act as we do. - From the, "Guidebook to Humans", Antigan Military pamphlet -
ok, thanks. now... for my first problem...
Are you trying to make one outfit Fake ID that will clear up your record for ALL governments, or making a series of them for each governments?
If I was making a fake ID, I'd first make a copy of the original Fake ID and stuff and then change resource ID's and other variables that need changing.
ModType 21 (Clear legal record) for outfits appears broken in Nova. I've already submitted a bug report on it. I've already made a Fake ID plug, though ( (url="http://"") ). The way I did it was make the outfit trigger a mission which is auto-aborting and clears the legal record. However, when an outfit triggers a mission, apparently the auto-removing flag ($0010, I believe) of the outfit doesn't do anything (bug already reported). So to fix that, I had the mission remove the outfit. Unfortunately, that lets you buy the outfit again, appearing as thought the first time didn't work. To solve THAT, I appropriated a ncb, used that as the availability bit on the outfit, made the mission set the ncb, and made a cron that fires whenever the bit is set remove the bit (so when you land on the planet again the bit is unset). THAT finally worked. But it was a lot of trouble. If you want a Fake ID plug for federation space, check out my plug ( (url="http://"") ). If you want it for some other govt, check out my plug still, but change the govt in the mission.
Kevin Ballard