This final edition of my bible updates, and covers changes from the February 19th edition to the March 2nd (Gold Master) release.
Given Nova's impending release, I'm not certain that the Nova forum is the best place to post news relevant to developers, so I've cross-posted to the Developer's Corner. Moderators should feel free to lock whichever one they wish.
Corrections o the Long-Murky Notion of flët Embedding
A note has been added to "DudeTypes" in s˙st resource explaining very clearly how to use negative ID numbers for flët embedding.
The "% Prob" field in the s˙st resource has been changed slightly to indicate that both shďps and fleets can be referenced in DudeTypes.
The "One special note" commenting on negative DudeTypes has been removed, since it would be redundant now.
Reference to embedding flëts in düdes removed from flét resource
Typos/Minor Revisions
Last revision 3/3/02 (was 2/19/02)
Prerelease warning removed
shďp resource's "(approximatly equals)" is now a "? symbol. I guess there was no amp code for it.
Drafted with assistance from BBEdit.
"Oh crap. I'm going to hell - I put the Bible next to Mein Kampf again."
-Her Holiness, Pope Jenne "Kirby" Hubbs