Any one know how I can render cell shaded pics with Infini-D 4.0? Or make them in PhotoShop 5.5 (tryout hehe)?
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Any one know how I can render cell shaded pics with Infini-D 4.0? Or make them in PhotoShop 5.5 (tryout hehe)?
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I'm not familiar with that terminology...what do you mean by "cell shaded?"
Mike Lee (Firebird)
3D rendered with a sort of hand drawn cartoony look.
Like this:
(Screen shot from Auto Modellista for PS2)
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(This message has been edited by Type11 (edited 03-06-2002).)
i dont think you can... you'd probably need to make a plugin or somthing (does infini-d even support that?)
well, you'll probably just have to get a better 3D prog.
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George Harrison, 1943-2001
It seems the buildings (for example) are just cubes with a cartoony look texture. Same for panels are road sides. Don't know about the car, but surely it lacks 3d look, so it may be just a plain wall with a car image and a hand-made shadow.
For example, for the road top panels, you can use a full rectangular wall, with a main transparent texture, with the image of the panel over it. I have never tried that, but it may work.
Warlock Shipyard
Ship graphics and other stuff
cel shading is a rendering techniqe that's becomeing popular in video games, as in the above screen shot, (url="http://"")Zelda for NGC(/url), and it's also used in movies, i.e. Disney's atlantis.
A better 3D app would be great, but I can't afford one right now, so I'll have to try and make do with what I have.
There's gotta be a way to pull it off, Strata 3D (or StrataVision, not sure) has several different renderers, but not cel shading if I remember correctly.
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as type11 said, this is fast becoming a trend in the gaming world(mainly console). I believe the same technique is used for some of the scenes in the tv show futurama. personally i think its a very good effect