I'm making a small, insignificant plug, but which I'm devoted to since its my first. Anyways, I am starting on the mission strings and I am stuck, extremely stuck, and I have been for the last two days. The mission is that your meant to destroy a fighter (dude 128) in the system 131. The mission starts at 128, and the return stellar is 128 also. When I go to the mission computer it shows the mission, where to go, what to do ect. but when I get to system 131, there's no fighter :frown:. Anyways, here's what Res-Edit shows.
AvailStel 128
AvailBitSet -1
AvailLoc 0
AvailRecord 0
AvailRating -1
AvailRandom 100
TravelStel -1
ReturnStel -4
CargoType -1
CargoAQty -1
PickupMode -1
ScanGovt -1
FailIfScan 0
PayVal 5000
ShipCount 1
ShipSyst 131
ShipDude 128
ShipGoal 0
ShipNameID -1
CompBitSet -1
CompGovt 0
CompReward 0
FailBitSet -1
BreifText -1
QuickBreif 5000
LoadCargText -1
DropCargText -1
CompText 5001
FailText -1
TimeLimit -1
CanAbort 1
Unused 0
AvailBitClr -1
AuxShipCount -1
AuxShipDude -1
AuxShipSyst -1
CompBitSet2 -1
Flags $0102
Please could anybody tell me where I'm going wrong
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