I use Infini-D for modeling, as i think i've stated before, and about 90% of the models i make incorporate custom shapes. Now my question is this: when i make a cylinder or square shape, it doesn't apply the texture to all sides, but applies it to two sides (or the top if it's a cylinder, then wraps around from the top) and the sides have the same texture the whole way down.
here's an example:
instead of doing this
- -
- -
- -
it would do like this:
| |
| |
| |
i've discovered that if i spend about half an hour warping the object there's approximately a 50% chance that the texture will work, but it seems to be completely random. With a standard square it applies to all sides, and with a standard cylinder it wraps around. could some kind soul explain to me how to fix this?
"And then god did come up from heaven and said, 'Do my bidding, you pitiful, powerless, weak humans! Go and spread my li... er, I mean truth, throughout the world!' And then he did laugh most evilly, and the planet of Mososuis did split in half, with one half becoming the moon, and the other half, bearing all its inhabitants, did fly into the sun. Yes." -from the Book of Relics, planet Rikka
Ever wonder if illiterate people get the full effect of alphabet soup?