Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • simple question on plugins... do you add your own music to a plugin? specifically for intro music? i have the music, i just need to know how to put it into the plug.

      Don't go to school to learn that 2+2=4. If you do you're missing the point. Go to school to learn how to add, then figure out that 2+2=4.
      (url="http://"")The Vortex Web Page!(/url) My upcoming TC plugin for EV Nova. Check it out!

    • I do believe that you have to plop the sound that you have (8-bit, 11KHz) into the sound resource (snd), with ID number:

      30000 = Intro Music
      30001 = Drum Intro
      30002 = Drum Loop
      30003 = Transition to Game (Leaveing starport on Earth in EVO for the first time)

      (url="http://"")Captain Z's New and Improved Starbase of EV Stuff(/url)

    • For a graphical view of how the intro music is handled by EV, just open up the data file concerning music.. make your plugins resource fork look like the data files.


    • i understand both of the above, but how??? for example, i have an .aiff file.(i can make it into just about any file format if i need to). how do i get this music into the plugin b/c an .aiff file has no resource fork? what file format does have a resource fork?

      Don't go to school to learn that 2+2=4. If you do you're missing the point. Go to school to learn how to add, then figure out that 2+2=4.
      (url="http://"")The Vortex Web Page!(/url) My upcoming TC plugin for EV Nova. Check it out!

    • Convert your AIFF to a Macintosh System Sound (.snd), then open up that file's resource fork. You should have a sound resource with one item inside, being your music.

      (url="http://"")Captain Z's New and Improved Starbase of EV Stuff(/url)

    • alright... how do i convert the aiff into a .snd? thanx for all the help!

      Don't go to school to learn that 2+2=4. If you do you're missing the point. Go to school to learn how to add, then figure out that 2+2=4.
      (url="http://"")The Vortex Web Page!(/url) My upcoming TC plugin for EV Nova. Check it out!

    • That process will require a sound convertor. Just do a search on google or go to There is a similar post concerning sound's on the board right now. I'd read it and see the exact settings.. they should be the same.
