Originally posted by ThorPrime:
**If you can get the $300 dollars or so, Cinema 4D XL, and Photoshop Elements academic versions are the way to go. C4D Go is also good route for cheap and Strata for Free.
I started doing sprites in Graphic converter but with no history or layers it was quite a chore. You need Photoshop Elements.
I do love my PhotoShop 4.0 Don't know how I lived without layers. "Elements" misses a few bets, tho...no adjustment layers, for one. Yeah, I know, 4.0 doesn't have nested Undo, so... (Just last night was making some textures I photographed in Japan into seamless tiles and adding bump maps. They'll be on my site when done.)
Sorry if I was "abrupt," Archon. Please accept my post in the gentle humor it was intended. It just struck me as odd that someone would be striking off into the mountains of 3D modelling without having traversed the foothills of 2d graphics.
Seriously, tho, Graphic Converter belongs right beside ResEdit in the basic tool kit of any plug-in designer.
A proper suite, in my humble opinion, would include a good basic graphics program (Printshop, Photoshop 2.0 and above, etc), a low-end 3D modeller and renderer (Mechanisto, RenderBoy, Pixel 3d), a sound recorder and format converter (I still like D-soundPro, but SoundEdit is fairly cheap and SoundAp works fine), ResEdit with EVO-specific resource templates and guides (all available here), and a basic word proccessing program with spellcheck (Word is great, though SimpleText has it's uses; I do most of my HTML in SimpleText).
everywhere else, it's --