I made this and it's up for download now in the addons section for EV so go get it. I'm gonna make one for evo real soon and one for Nova when it comes out.
Formerly EV Player
I made this and it's up for download now in the addons section for EV so go get it. I'm gonna make one for evo real soon and one for Nova when it comes out.
Formerly EV Player
HEY! I hope you have this as to where an email is sent to you to tell you that someone has replied. Well, I can't unstuff your program. Something's goin on with my StuffIt expander. I just can't unstuff dl-redirect.pl files. So, could you e-mail me the program??
"The Answer. . . Lies beyond the horizen" - Me, David L. Clark "The Beloved"
Oh man, please tell me you're kidding... You don't unstuff a dlredirect file. dlREDIRECT... Look at the name. Dl = download and redirect = redirect. That file will redirect you to download another file. It's part of the system that ambrosia uses for downloads.
"I'm going to live my life by the ideals that my hippy forefathers refused to go to war and fight for." -- Homer Simpson
Check out my EV website: (url="http://"http://home.cfl.rr.com/aresev/")The Legion(/url).
Ok, this plugmaker thing is very suspicious. This guy has trouble with punctuation, yet he claims to have programmed a plug-in editor. The file itself is 17kb, which is very, very small for something that could be used for, well... Anything pertaining to editing plugin files. The file that appears on my drive is the dlredirect... How very odd.
Well, I'm paranoid, so I'm going to trash it.
"I'm going to live my life by the ideals that my hippy forefathers refused to go to war and fight for." -- Homer Simpson
Check out my EV website: (url="http://"http://home.cfl.rr.com/aresev/")The Legion(/url).
Well, ares1, unstuffer has always unstuffed it for me. I don't know hwt the heck you're talking about, but whatever it is, I can't get it. Please give me a link er somethin to download it.
"The Answer. . . Lies beyond the horizen" - Me, David L. Clark "The Beloved"
I believe Ares is pointing out that he suspects the file to be a trojan horse or virus.
Originally posted by Iron Eagle:
**I believe Ares is pointing out that he suspects the file to be a trojan horse or virus.
only problem is i think the files are looked at before being posted
(url="http://"http://www.grybs.com/harzius")Harzius Productions(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.IcedEarth.com")Iced Earth(/url)
I also tried downloading it, with the intention of doing a full scan for any viruses. However, i also cannot unstuff it - I just get 'This LHa method is not supported'. So no luck there... Whocares, If you would care to email me to explain either why this software won't expand or even what it actually IS, we could get this all cleared up. Thanks.
Originally posted by Mazca:
**I also tried downloading it, with the intention of doing a full scan for any viruses. However, i also cannot unstuff it - I just get 'This LHa method is not supported'. So no luck there... Whocares, If you would care to email me to explain either why this software won't expand or even what it actually IS, we could get this all cleared up. Thanks.
I think I downloaded it and had no problems. If it is the same file that I think it is, all it does is change the type and creator of a file to match a plugin.
I could be thinking of something else, though.
Originally posted by The Space Between:
**Well, I can't unstuff your program. Something's goin on with my StuffIt expander.
Your StuffIt Expander is probably fine. I think the Plugmaker file is corrupted. It was saved as an archive ( .sit ) only, instead of being archived and encoded ( .sit.hqx ). The plug was most likely corrupted in transit and will have to be uploaded again.
world keeps turning
Hey, what's wrong with you people? You think my program is a virus? It isn't. I uploaded the evo version twice before, but it was corrupted both times. But I sent in new ones for both ev and evo. Hopefully these will work. Just chill out, will ya? About it being 17k, on my computer the unstuffed version is 230k, so it must be corrupted. Plus, it doesn't need much memory because it was made with metal and it only took like 9 lines of code. BTW, it isn't a full-featured plugin editor. I think you misunderstood.
Formerly EV Player
OK, thanks for clearing that up.
You have to admit though, that a program that:
(a) has a really really vague description
( is really small
doesn't seem to expand properly
is bound to be treated with suspicion. Your description does make it sound like a full plugin editor though, you might want to change that
Mazca is right. If you have had as many people try to upload viruses and Trojan Horses to you as I have, then you would be suspicious of such things as well. I have lost my hard drive about 3 times due to malice, so at times I may be over-cautious.
"I'm going to live my life by the ideals that my hippy forefathers refused to go to war and fight for." -- Homer Simpson
Check out my EV website: (url="http://"http://home.cfl.rr.com/aresev/")The Legion(/url).