Originally posted by Chrios:
I was thinking of making a plugin for Pillars of Garendall that fixes things people did not like, such as "the scenery was too ugly" (not that I think that). So, If anybody didnt like something, Please can you post it here? Thanks, Chrios.
Mr. Chrios,
I think the #1 pet peeve is the broken english/poor grammer within the dialog of PoG. However, to change this you will need to know not only what all the dialog events are called, but all the NPCs who have dialogs stored within their NPC file. In otherwords, pretty much a total rewrite of all the PoG characters and something that just isn't worth it, in my opinion, within a plug-in.
The next thing, in my opinion, is that the game is too short. Make some plug-ins that expand the world, both geography-based(ie, adds maps to the world) and quest-based(ie, adds missions/quests to the existing world). I would think that everyone would like this. 
"But soon, soon, soon... the world will be a better place, with meadows and bunnies and fiber optics in every home..."
- Tom Dowdy, Apple Computer
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