I know i've said this before but i still need a paint program. I would like one that can be unstuffed with stuffit or stuffit expander version 4.5
To err is Human, To forgive is Divine. Neither of wich is Marine Corp. policey
I know i've said this before but i still need a paint program. I would like one that can be unstuffed with stuffit or stuffit expander version 4.5
To err is Human, To forgive is Divine. Neither of wich is Marine Corp. policey
There is Color-It, if you havent ried it you might want to. Nut you have to register before you can save anything.
Just out of curiosity, why do you need a paint program? Most people who are developing plugins (I believe you are doing that, correct me if I'm wrong) require 3d graphics modeling programs. There are many that are free, easily found on download.com or something. I suggest (url="http://"http://www.pixels.com/")PiXELS3D(/url) or StrataVision.
PS-Also, Color-it does not support layers, something much needed for ship graphic stuff.
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Originally posted by Lord Gwydion:
**Just out of curiosity, why do you need a paint program? Most people who are developing plugins (I believe you are doing that, correct me if I'm wrong) require 3d graphics modeling programs. There are many that are free, easily found on download.com or something. I suggest PiXELS3D or StrataVision.
PS-Also, Color-it does not support layers, something much needed for ship graphic stuff.
I have a 3-d graphic program but it doesn't paint the graphics, I need a seperate program to do that (my program only renders in a bland yellow-tan collor)
To err is Human, To forgive is Divine. Neither of wich is Marine Corp. policey
Originally posted by Edwin:
I would like one that can be unstuffed with stuffit or stuffit expander version 4.5
Go to (url="http://"http://www.aladdinsys.com/")http://www.aladdinsys.com/(/url) and download the latest version, unless you have a 68k of course, when no ammount of looking will get you a good program these days, and you really should think about getting a new computer.
(url="http://"http://www.oxy-web.com/sitharus/")Carracho Help - New and Updated!(/url)
Originally posted by blackhole:
**Go tohttp://www.aladdinsys.com/ and download the latest version, unless you have a 68k of course, when no ammount of looking will get you a good program these days, and you really should think about getting a new computer.
i,m not looking for an un-stuffer, i'm after a paint program. I already tried to get the latest version but my version can't unstuff it.
To err is Human, To forgive is Divine. Neither of wich is Marine Corp. policey
It's impossible to get good help these days.
To err is Human, To forgive is Divine. Neither of wich is Marine Corp. policey
Originally posted by Edwin:
**i,m not looking for an un-stuffer, i'm after a paint program. I already tried to get the latest version but my version can't unstuff it.
Yes, but if you get the new version of Stuffit you can (shock) unstuff newer files!
(url="http://"http://www.oxy-web.com/sitharus/")Carracho Help - New and Updated!(/url)
Originally posted by blackhole:
**Yes, but if you get the new version of Stuffit you can (shock) unstuff newer files!
Yes but as i have preveously stated my version of stuffit can NOT unstuff the newest version. If anyone knows of a PAINT PROGRAM i can get i would greatly appreciate a link to it.
To err is Human, To forgive is Divine. Neither of wich is Marine Corp. policey
(This message has been edited by Edwin (edited 09-03-2001).)
Which version of stuffit do you have? If its an old version you can download a binhex of stuffit 6 from aladdin (see blackhole's link). Any archiver can handle that, even FTP and web browsers.
I take it the paint program is to create textures for your 3D program to use to texture your model. You could try (url="http://"http://www.download.cnet.com/")http://www.download.cnet.com/(/url)
'You really want to know? Yes, I'll tell you. I'll tell you why I'm lying here. But God forgive me... And God help us all. Because you don't know what you ask of me.'
Originally posted by Edwin:
**Yes but as i have preveously stated my version of stuffit can NOT unstuff the newest version. If anyone knows of a PAINT PROGRAM i can get i would greatly appreciate a link to it.
click on the link under internetexplorer to get the .sea version.
Self Extracting, nuff said.
ps just get color it. but diddn't you say you had photoshop or something already but diddn't kno how to use it?