Ok... I am looking for a few people to help me and Lord Gwydion with Escape Velocity: Free Enterprise. It will be a plug for EV/O that willl focus on a corporate struggle in the outer worlds around the former confederate core worlds. Lord Gwydion will be handling Shďps, wëaps, oütfs, düdes, and flëts. We will need someone to do the new system (And i mean a completely new system) as well as the missions.... i will simply hand over a storyline and whoever does missions will do the rest. Graphics, of course, are all being taken care of by me.... It is very important that whoever helps us can be online ICQ (this is non negotiable.) at times. We will need very close (and i mean very close) cooperation and frequent exchanges of ideas. This will be a total conversion... email me @ cdwise86@mac.com for more info.
"If you can dream it, you
can do it."
- Walt Disney