Hello. I am new to making plugs. However, I am quite good at such game modifications and would like to invite 2 or 3 other plugin makers (experienced) to create a new total conversion of EVO. Bear with me here for a moment. I would like to make it based upon corporate struggles, with 2-3 corporations battling each other for rights to land.... Furthermore, I wouldl like to have each corporation have it's own ship, outfit, ect. style. I feel this is best acheive by having several people create their own races (corporations), and combining them. I have undergone such ventures on other games, such as Total Annihilation, with great success. Thus, I would lik to ask 2 or 3 other people to join me in this project. Approx 30 systems, 5 types of missions (for favor w/ side), 20 special missions (leading to allegiance), 10 special missions (leading to victory), 6-9 ships, and a number of outfits will be needed for each race/corporation. I would like to create the civilian and independant ships, planets, ect. (as many as other corporations, if not more...) Note that i want extreme cooperation on this project and frequent echanges of ideas and designs..... I call on you all to join me on this joint venture to create the world's best plugin ever!!!
"If you can dream it, you
can do it."
-Walt Disney