I haven't visted the boards in a LONG time, and it appears the search function has disappeared...or I'm getting old very quick. Is there any documentation on the new flags, resources, and the like that will be used in EV:Nova? While the Editor definately looks gnarly, I don't want to wait for it, and I don't really like editors anyway. Getting dirty with ResEdit always yielded the best results =). Thanks!
Nova Dev Docs?
6 6 261
The (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum18/HTML/000007.html")progress log(/url) lists new features as they are added. When a new one is revealed, there is usually a topic discussing it on the Nova board. The good thing about the new editors is that they are made in conjunction with Ambrosia. In fact, the ATMOS team themselves are using them to create the scenario. They are every bit as effective as ResEdit, and easier to use too. Nova is so much more complex than EV and EVO that ResEdit would likely be a pain in the you-know-what to edit plug-ins with.
EGOTIST, n. A person of low taste, more interested in himself than in me.
LOQUACITY, n. A disorder which renders the sufferer unable to curb his tongue when you wish to talk.
-Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary
(url="http://"http://www.wwiiplug.f2s.com")The WWII Plug-in for EVO(/url), coming soon -
Of course, for you hardened ResEditors, the EVN bible will come out before the game is released, so that you don't need to rely on or wait for (whichever applies) the R&R; editors to start designing plugs for Nova.
<edit> I just found andrew's exact words in the "Nova Editors Update" thread on the subject:
Originally posted by andrew:
**When the EV Nova bible is ready, we will make it available to people who are subscribed to the delta_v mailing list (and yes, we will make the EV Nova Bible available before EV Nova is released). This will give plugin designers a heads-up on the features that will be available to them in EV Nova.The purpose of the delta_v mailing list is facilitate the creation of new worlds, missions, ships, weapons, etc. for Escape Velocity. It is NOT a list to talk about the game itself; we suggest you use the Ambrosia web boards for that.
To subscribe to the delta_v mailing list, please go here:
Visit my EVO web site at (url="http://"http://www.evoverride.com")http://www.evoverride.com(/url)!
"If an infinite number of computer programmers programmed for an infinite number of years, they would eventually come up with a working operating system. Bill Gates, being impatient, gave them two days and took the first one that was finished." -- Anonymous(This message has been edited by shayborg (edited 05-16-2001).)
Originally posted by shayborg:
**Of course, for you hardened ResEditors, the EVN bible will come out before the game is released, so that you don't need to rely on or wait for (whichever applies) the R &R; editors to start designing plugs for Nova.<edit> I just found andrew's exact words in the "Nova Editors Update" thread on the subject:
Originally posted by andrew:
**When the EV Nova bible is ready, we will make it available to people who are subscribed to the delta_v mailing list (and yes, we will make the EV Nova Bible available before EV Nova is released). This will give plugin designers a heads-up on the features that will be available to them in EV Nova.The purpose of the delta_v mailing list is facilitate the creation of new worlds, missions, ships, weapons, etc. for Escape Velocity. It is NOT a list to talk about the game itself; we suggest you use the Ambrosia web boards for that.
To subscribe to the delta_v mailing list, please go here:
**Hey, thats why I just subscribed to the list. I want to see the EVN bible as soon as possible :D.
Recursive: adj. See Recursive -
Originally posted by Dave:
I haven't visted the boards in a LONG time, and it appears the search function has disappeared...or I'm getting old very quick. Is there any documentation on the new flags, resources, and the like that will be used in EV:Nova? While the Editor definately looks gnarly, I don't want to wait for it, and I don't really like editors anyway. Getting dirty with ResEdit always yielded the best results =). Thanks!
-DaveGetting down and dirty with resedit with resedit's interface can be downright tedious (trust me, I did it for nearly three years). The R&R; Software editors are an awesome set of tools, and once you have played with them, you will never be able to go back to 'pure' resedit editing. I know I say this all the time, but I think it bears repeating: the R&R; Nove Editing Suite is ~awesome~.
Cookie @ ATMOS
When the EVN bible is released officially, I'll be selecting beta testers for the NovaTools ResEdit editors. I'll be on the delta_v list as well.
I want them to come out as soon as possible, but not to jump the gun. Measure twice and cut once... I will be guided by Andrew, Matt and the ATMOS team as to exactly when this will happen.
R&R; Software
"EVN, what's that?"