Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Help Me Conserve Energy

      I have been trying to figure out how I can better conserve the power my computer uses while it is turned on. I recently downloaded a screen saver (Eclipse, incidentally) that can utilize the EPA's Energy Saver control panel to turn off the monitor and make the computer sleep. Unfortunately, I only have v1.2 of Energy Saver, which only allows the monitor to be put to sleep. Version 2.0+ allows you to put the computer to sleep (I believe). I was interested in seeing if this newer version would work on my computer. Unfortunately, I could not locate it. Does anyone have a link to a place I can download a newer version of Energy Star? I would really like to help save the environment. 🙂

      P L A T Y P U S

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Platypus:
      **I would really like to help save the environment. 🙂

      Well, forgetting that computers have lots of lead in them, here's something I've been thinking about:

      Get an UPS, or some car batteries, or whatever. Next, get a DC->AC converter. You'd need something putting out 500amps at least. Next you need to mount a solar cell on your roof.

      Use the solar cell to charge the batteries. Use the battery power via the converter to run your machine.

      A setup like this would work better if you used a flatscreen monitor vs something with a big hunking tube in it. Also, if you were ambitious, you could rip out the computer's powersupply and feed it DC directly from a battery or whatever.

      Ideally you'd be using a laptop motherboard as they use less power. The problem there is lack of extendability, though. There are PCI extenders that you can attach of motherboards that let you use PCI cards, but they're wicked expensive. Maybe you could get away with all USB/firewire vs using cards in slots?

      -manic STH


    • This should be on Just Chat, not EV developers. moving now...

      The cure for writer's cramp is writer's block. - Inigo DeLeon